Achery, Luc d'. Spicileguim sive collectio veterum aliquot scriptorvm qui in Galliae bibliothecis delituerant. Nova editio priori… |
Not available.
Ainalov, Dmitrii Vlas'evich. Ellininisticheskiîa osnovy Bizantiiskago iskusstva. |
Not available.
Allen, E. Livingston. Descriptive lecture. Both sides of army life: the grave and the gay. |
On reel with: Wright, William (of Paterson, N.J.) To the Metropolitan sanitary fair. A simple remedy for a sore evil; or, The necessity of making early nominations… 1864
Allinson, William J. Memoir of the Quamino Buccau, a pious Methodist. |
On reel with: Wright, William (of Paterson, N.J.) To the Metropolitan sanitary fair. A simple remedy for a sore evil; or, The necessity of making early nominations… 1864
America Institute of Public Opinion & Scholarly Resources, Inc. Gallup looks at the movies: audience research reports, 1940-1950 |
Not available.
American fiction, 1774-1850, based on the bibliography by Lyle H. Wright, rev. ed. |
Each title identified on the film by the number assigned to it in American fiction
Archange de Saint Gabriel. La prophanation des eglises condamne'e par deux lettres chretiennes. La I. adressee aux hommes et la II. Adressee aux femmes & aux filles, qui manquent de respect & de piete dans les eglises |
Not available.
Association of College and Research Libraries: ACRL microcard series |
Series consists of theses, reports, studies, etc. in library science, including historical, descriptive and enumerative bibliographies, which are otherwise not available.
Bahl, Roy W. Forecasting municipal revenues and expenditures: a primer and handbook |
National Technical Information Service (PB82-144528)
Becker, Liselotte. Das Weltbild in Gottlieb Konrad Pfeffels Verserzahlungen. |
Not available.
Bercaw, Louise Oldham. Methodology used in compiling bibliography in the field of agricultural economics. |
Address, annual conference of American Library Association, Agricultural Libraries Section, Richmond, VA.; May 11, 1936.; Supplement to Agricultural library notes, May, 1936, v.11, no. 5.
Berger, Franz. ""Die Künstler" von Friedrich Schiller, entstehungsgeschichte und Interpretation |
Not available.
Binsfield, Wolfgang. Grylloi, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der antiken Karikatur. |
Inaug.-Diss. - Köln.
Blume, Horst Dieter. Untersuchungen zu Sprache und Stil de Schrift Peri Hypsous. |
Not available.
Botero, Giovanni. Relations of the most famous kingdoms… |
On reel with: The history of France, by G. Gualdo Priorato.
Bouvart, Gustave. Cabale contre la Tartuffe au XVIIe siècle. |
On reel with: Tartufe, par R. Plantivaux
British Library. Trends in the Education of Users of Libraries and Information Services in the USA. 1976 |
Not available.
Caedmon manuscript. Caedmon manuscript. Ms. Junius 11. |
A manuscript of Anglo-Saxon Biblical poetry.
Cartulaire de l'infirmerie du beguinage de Bruxelles |
collection of manuscript records. Title on microfilm box: Cartulaire du grand beguinage de Bruxelles. Cited as Archives ecclésiastiques, 13403 (unpublished) of the Archives génégales du Royaume à Bruxelles. A codex from 1200's-1300's.
Catholic Church. Byzantine rite. Liturgy and ritual. Euchologion. Church Slavic. Eukhologion ili trebnik soderzhai v sebe chiny sviatykh tain, blagoslovenii I osveshchenii, I inykh razlichnykh treb I molenii tserkovnykh po chinu vostochnomu sviatye Khristovy Tserkve sostavlen po voli oblastnago Sobora byvshago v L'vove grade v leto 1895 |
Not available.
Catullus, C.V. Book of Catullus of Verona in English verse by William Hardy Alexander |
Not available.
Celsus, Anlus Cornelius. A. Conelii Celsi De re medica. Liber octavus. Ejus priora quatuor capita commentariis illustrata à Petro Paauv. |
Not available.
Center for research libraries catalog |
Not available.
Cerisiers, René de. L'Année françoise, ou La première- (dernière) campagne de Louis XIV |
Reel consists of the first four campaigns continuously pages (306 p.) and the fifth campaign (67 p.) Then, each of the four campaigns in a different edition is separately paged (62, 101, 46, 43 p.) followed by the last campaign (216 p.)
Chambers, Raymond Wilson. Man's unconquerable mind, studies of English writers from Bede to A.E. Housman and W.P. Ker. |
On this reel with: Dictys Cretensis. Dictrys Cretensis Ephemeridos belli troiani libri sex, 1872; The character of Piers Plowman considered from the B text, by N. K. Coghill (in Medium Aevum, v.2, no.2, June,1933)
Clarke, Victor Selden. Who's who in economics; an international biographical encyclopedia |
Not available.
Cobbett, Williams. first lecture on the present prospects of merchents, traders, and farmers, and on the state of the country…1829. |
Important considerations for the people of this kingdom, published July, 1803, and sent to the officiating minister in every parish in England;
Cobbett, Williams. Mr. Cobbett's first lecture on the present prospects of merchants, traders, and farmers, and on the state of the country, in general, delivered in the theatre of the London Mechanics Institution, on Thursday, 26th November, 1829. |
On reel also are: Democratic principles illustrated by examples. By Peter Porcupine [pseud.] Preface by j. Philips. Stockport. Printed by J. Clarke [1797 [*Continued on next card]
Coghill, Nevill. The character of Piers Plowman considered from the B text |
On this reel with: Man's unconquerable world, by R.W. Chambers.
Colas de Port-morant, Alexandre. L'idée de la Familli de S. Ioseph, establie au Faux-bourg Saint Victor, lez Paris, sous la protection du roy & de la reyne regent, pour nourrir charitablement & éleuer chrestiennement & ciuilement les enfans des nobles & honnestes familles incommodées & pour retirer ceux qui sont sans condition, & former d'entr'eux de bons maistres d'écolles ecclesiastiques, au service du diocese. |
Not available.
Colburn, Edwin B., ed. Methods of catalog card reproduction in American libraries, edited by Edwin B. Colburn and Harry Dewey. |
At head of title: American Library Association. Division of Cataloging and Classification. Committee on Administration.
Colburn, Edwin B., ed. Mutiple order forms used by American libraries. |
At head of title: American Library Association. Division of Cataloging and Classification. Committee on Administration.
Colburn, Edwin B., ed. Personnel rating procedures of American libraries |
At head of title: American Library Association. Division of Cataloging and Classification. Committee on Administration
Cornish, Samuel E. d. 1859?. The colonization scheme considered, in its rejection by the colored people - in its tendency to uphold caste - in its unfitness for Christianizing and civilizing the aborigines of Africa, and for putting a stop to the African slave trade; in a letter to the Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen and the Hon. Benjamin F. Butler; by Samuel E. Cornish and Theodore S. Wright. |
On reel with: Wright, William (of Paterson, N.J.) To the Metropolitan sanitary fair. A simple remedy for a sore evil; or, The necessity of making early nominations… 1864
Covarrubias Horozco, Sebastian de, fl. Suplemento al Thesor de la lengua castellana de Don Sebastian de Covarrubias, compuesto por el mismo como lo refiere en la voz Covarruias y lo repite en otras |
*Supplement to main title: Tesoro de la lengva castellana o espanola (Not in Microfilm)
Crawford, Constance. The Jackson Whites. |
Not available.
de Beauvais, Vincent. Bibliotheca mundi. Vincentii Bellovacensis speculum quadruplex; naturale, doctrinale, morale, historiale…Omnia nunc accurate recognita…opera et studio theologorum Benedictinorum collegii Velastini in alma academia Duacensi |
Not available.
de Beauvais, Vincent. Speculum morale Vincentii |
Not available.
Dead Sea scrolls on microfiche: a comprehensive facsimile edition of the texts from the Judean Desert |
Reproduces photographic negatives of original texts and fragments taken between 1950 and 1967 on behalf of the Palestine Archaeological Museum; also includes photographs taken from 1967 to the present on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, photographs from the archives of the Shrine of… |
Deligdisch, Yekutiel. The reading comprehension of adult new readers in relation to their ethnic backgrounds…1971. |
Not available.
Deutsches biographisches Archiv: eine Kumulation aus 254 der wichtigsten biographischen Nachschlagewerke für den deutschen Bereich bis zum Ausgang des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts |
Dictys Cretensis. Dictrys Cretensis Ephemeridos belli troiani libri sex, recognovit Ferdinandus Meister. Lipsiae, in aedibus B.G. |
On this reel with: Man's unconquerable world, by R.W. Chambers.
Donohuge, Joseph Chaminade. A method foe the analysis of a subject literature…1970. |
Not available.
Dorovatovskaia-Liubimova, V. Dostoevskii I shestidesiatniki. (Doestevskii and the men of the sixties.) |
Not available.
Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881. Pis'ma; pod. Red. i s primechaniiami A.S. Dolinini [pseud.] |
On reel with: Strakhov, N.N. Iz istorii literaturnago nigilizma. 1890.
Dutta, M. Some econometries of India's Foreign Seetor |
Not available.
Essebac, Achille. Dédé |
Not available.
Evans, E. Ben. Use your library for better grades and fun too (Filmstrip) |
81 frames, B&W
Evarnitskii, Dmitrii Ivanovich. [Title in Russian] |
Title transliterated: Istoriia zaporozhsklkh kozakov
Fagrskinna. Fagrskinna. Noregs kononga tal edg. for Samfund til udgivelse af gammel nordisk litteratur ved Funnur Jonsson |
Not available.