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Microforms with Miscellaneous Content

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Displaying: 101 - 150 of 180 record(s)
Author/Title Sort descending Description
Meyer, Werner. Die Bedeutung der Armut im Leben und Werk Wilhelm Raabes

Not available.

Molière, Jean Babtiste Poluelin. Le Tartufe, ou L'imposteur. Se vend à paris, en la Rve de Beavne àl'enseigne du pot cassé, 1667

On reel with: Tartufe, par R. Plantivaux

Molière, Jean Babtiste Poluelin. Le Tartufe; annotations de J. Franson

Not available.

Molière, Jean Babtiste Poluelin. Tartufe, ou L'imposteur. nouv. ed. classique revue et publiée avec notices, analyse, appréciations et notes par M. l'Abbé Figuière .

Not available.

Molière. Tartuffe; analyses, morceaux choisis, études littéraire. Extraits du cours de littéraire de l'Abbé J.B. Domecq.

Not available.

Monod, Jacques. Recherches sur la croissance de cultures bactériennes.

Not available.

Morria, Roger

Not available.

Music catalog (Washington, D.C.)

Not available.

Nash, John Francis. A study of the relavance of selected major concepts and generalizations from the field of socialogy to commonly accepted objectives of the social studies in the secondary school.

Not available.

National Union Catalog. Register of Additional Locations

Cumulative Edition

Nauen, Hans Günther. Die Bedeutung von Religion und Theologie im Tristan Gottfrieds von Strassburg. {Herne, Buchdruckerei un Verlag C. Th.

Not available.

NUC Audiovisual Materials Microform/Library of Congress

Not available.


Not available.

NUC Cartographic Materials Microform/Library of Congress

A Cartographic Materials index, NUC stands for the National Union Catalog

NUC U.S. Books Microform

NUC= National Union Catalog

Options for the 80's

Not available.

Palestine statehood committee papers

Not available.

Paulus, Wolfgang. Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Wirtschaftspolitik Brasiliens in der Phase des Ubergangs zur Industriegesell-schaft (1930-1965).

Inaug.-Diss. - Freiburg i br.

Phi lambda upsilon. Mu chapter. Pennsylvania State College. Microfilm edition of the Priestly Lectures (1927-1951)

Lectures from 1933-1951; those before 1933 not reproduced in printed form

Pickard, Mrs. Kate E. R. The kidnapped and the ransomed. Being the personal recollections of Peter Still and his wife "Vina", after forty years of slavery. With an introd. By Rev. Samuel J. May; and an appendix by William H. Furness. 3d ed.

On reel with: Steward, Theophilus Gould, 1843-, Memoirs of Mrs. Rebecca Steward.

Plantivaux, Raphaël. Tartufe.

On reel with: Cabale contre la Tartuffe au XVIIe siècle, par G. Bouvart. 1861; and Le tartufe, par J.B.P. Molière

Plotnikov, Mikhail Pavlovich. IAngal-maa, vogul'skaía poema, so stat'e? avtora o vogul'skom epose. Serge? Klychkov. Madur vaza pobeditel', vol'naía obrabotka poemy "IAngal-maa."

On reel also are: Klychkov, Serge? Antonovich. Saraspan stikhi. Obrabotki fol'klora i perevod. Moskova, 1936. 156 p.

Plotnikov, Mikhail Pavlovich. IAngal-maa…1933.

Klychkov, Serge? Antonovich. Madur vaza pobeditel'. 1936. 331 p.

Polman, Chanoine Jean. Le Chancre ov Covvres-sein feminin…Ensemble, Le voile ov Covvre-chef feminin, par J.P. Chanoine theologal de Cambray

Not available.

Portuguese period in East Africa / by Justus Strandes ; translated from the German by Jean F. Wallwork ; edited, with topographical notes, by J.S. Kirkman.

Kenya History Society. Transactions

Puebla (Mexico). Indice y extractos de protocolos de puebla de Los Angeles, Mexico.

Not available.

Racine, Jean Baptiste. Phaedra [translated by] John Cairncross.

Not available.

Ralph, James. The history of England during the reign of King William, Queen Anne, and George I. With and introductory review of the reigns of the royal brothers, Charles and James, in which are to be found the seeds of revolution. By a lover of truth and liberty

Not available.

Ramsey, Myrian 1930- / Uma concordância do romance Grande sertão, veredas de João Guimarães Rosa

Not available.

Reed, Isa D. History of the Vandanbark family, by Isa D. Reed and Helen Vandanbark

Includes bibliographical reference; * no barcode on back

Register of probate records, town of Fairfield, Connecticut.

For holdings, see main entry in card catalog under "Fairfield County, (Conn.) Register of probate records..."Fairfield, Conn. Probate Packets M/Film 2678 6g reels (British Film Institute, London. Information Department)

Register of probate records, town of Norwalk, Connecticut 1802-1830

Not available.

Répertoire bio-bibliographique des auteurs latins, patristiques et médiévaux

Not available.

Richter, Theodor Friedrich Maximilian. Verungluckte Reise von Hamburg nach St. Thomas und Ruckker uber New-York und Kopenhagen; mit besonderer hinsicht auf den Charakter und die Lebensart ser Seeleute.

Not available.

Rittenhouse, R. R. Theory and comparison of female and male delinquency.

Not available.

Roessingh, M. P. H. Guide to the sources in the Netherlands for the history of Latin America.

Series: Guide to the sources of the history of the nations. A. Latin America ; v. 3, no. 2.

Rollant li proz" contribution à l'histoire de quelques qualifications laudatives en français du Moyen âge

Not available.

Roxburghe Club, London. Publications. 1814-

Reels no. 27 & 28 unnumbered publications.

Russian History and Culture.

A collection of 2,000 scarce titles in the humanities and social sciences selected from the Helsinki University Library.

Russian Symbolism

Not available.

Sabato, Ernesto R. El otro rostro del peronismo, carta abierta a Mario Amadeo

Not available.

Salazar, Rosendo. Las pugnas de la gleba, 1907-1922; illustraciones de Carlos Neve

Not available.

Schladebach, Hugo. Longfellow's New England tragedies

Part of "Program der Annenschule (Real-gymnasium) in Dresden-Altstadt, womit zu den öffentlichen Prüfungen am 22, 23, und 24, März 1893 das Lehrerkollegium ehrerbietgist einladet durch Dr. Alred Oertel"

Schulte-Albert, Hans Georg. Leibniz's plans for a world encyclopedia system…1972.

Not available.

Shakespeare's editors from Rowe to Alexander

Not available.

Smith, Robert Metcalf. The varient issues of Shakespeare's second Folio, and Milton's first published English poem, a bibliographical problem.

Not available.

Spain. Direccion General de Archivos y Bibliotecas. Guia de fuentes para la historia de Ibero-America conservadas en Expana.

Part of Series: Guide to the Sources of the History of the Nations; A. Latin America, Vol. 4,No. 1-2

Spanish Drama of the Golden Age: The Comedia Collection of the University of Pennsylvania Libraries.

Not available.

Spanish Rare Books of the Golden Age

Based on the holdings of the University of Illinois, this collection of approximately 1800 titles reflects the development of Spanish prose and poetical styles in literature, religion, law, politics, the sciences, and medicine.

Special studies no. 49 in Japanese and English

Some of English material deals with the contruction and financing of the Chinchou-Aigun Railway and Manchurian development and the interests of the United States, Russia, Japan, Great Britain in this area. Communications signed: Count Komura. Time period 1909, etc.