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Microforms with Miscellaneous Content

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Displaying: 151 - 180 of 180 record(s)
Author/Title Sort descending Description
Steinbrecker, Ursula. Liberale Parteiorganisation unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Linksliberalismus, 1871-1893, ein Beitrag zur deutschen Parteigeschicht Koln, 1960.

Not available.

Storm, Gustav. Brudstykker af den aeldste om Olav den Hellige. Udgivne for det Norske Historiske Kildeskriftfond, ved Dr. Gustav Storm

Not available.

Strakhov, Nikolai Nikolaevich, 1828-1896. Iz istorii literaturnago nigilizma.

On reel also is: Dostoevskii, F.M. Pis'ma. 1832-1871.

Swan Sonnenchein and Company. Index to the archives of Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1878-1911

Not available.

Teifel, E. Gebets-und kultformen bei statius mit Rucksicht auf sein verhaltnis zur Epik des Vergilund Lucan

Not available.

The Forster and Dyce Collections from the National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Not available.

Theal, George McCall. Records of South-Eastern Africa: collected in various libraries and archive departments in Europe

"Collection ... of Portuguese and other records [upon the past condition of the Bantu tribes south of the Zambesi] ... including documents ... concerning the discoveries made by the first European explorers in South Africa."--Pref.

Theatrum Europaeum.

Vol. 1-21; *Stapled to previous card, no barcode.

Theatrum europaeum…

A continuation of Johann Ludwig Gottfried's (not J.P. Abelin's) Historische chronica, oder Beschreibung der geschichte von anfang der welt bis auf das jahr 1619…)first published Frankffurt a. M. , 1630-32); *Stapled to previous card, no barcode.

Thomas, Timmie D. Reading guidance through the school library.

Not available.

Thompson, Edwin Bruce. Benjamin Helm Briston, symbol of reform…

Not available.

Tommasi, Guiseppe Maria. Codices sacramentorum nongentis annis vetustiorres nomorum libri III

Not available.

U.S. Library of Congress. Union Catalog Division. Selected list of United States newspapers recommended for preservation by the ALA Committee on Coopertive Microfilm Projects

Not available.

Vandevele, Marc. Recruitment in Publishing: a Survey of Recruitment of Professional Publishing Staff/ Vandeevele, Marc and Forsaith, John C.

Not available.

Victorian Bookbindings, a pictorial survey

Not available.

Wall, James Walter. Arbitrary arrest, correspondence of James W. Wall with the New York World.

Not available.

Watson, Jerry J. reactions to contemporary junior novels reflecting adolescents' interest in reading about aspects of peer and non-peer relationships…1974.

MG/BF 4-26-76

Weinbrenner, Joseph von. Patriotische Gedanken, und Vorschlage uber den gehemmten Ausfuhr-Handel in den deutschen und ungarischen Provinzen des Erzhauses Oestreich uber national Industrie, Manufakturen und Fabriken…

microfilmed with Meisner, C. F. Anmerkungen uber die naturaliche Beschaffenheit

Wieselgren, Per. Quellenstudien zur Volsunasga

Not available.

William S. Gray Research collection in reading

Not available.

Wilson, W.X. Overview and analysis of selected on-line systems a report to the Technical Evaluation Committee of the British Library STEIN Project

British Library research & development reports rept. no. 5372

Windham County, Connecticut. Town of Windham Conn. Probate Records

Not available.

Women's History Research Center. Women and law, section 4. Education /[compiled by] Susan Bateman [and] Joanne Schulman

Title from microfilm. Title on container: Women and the law. Microfilm of clipping archive "now being housed at the University of Wyoming's Archive of Contemporary History." Guide with indexes. Includes biblography.

Women's History Research Center. Women and law, section 6. Black and third world women / [compiled by] Susan Bateman [and] Joanne Schulman

Title from guide. Title from microfilm: Black and third world women. Microfilm of clipping archive "now being housed at the University of Wyoming's Archive of Contemporary History." Includes bibliography.

Women's History Research Center. Women and law, section5, special films: Rape/Prison/Prostitution / [compiled by Susan Bateman and Joanne Schulman]

Title from microfilm. Title on container: Women and the law. Microfilm of clipping archive "now being housed at the University of Wyoming's Archive of Contemporary History." Guide with indexes. Includes biblography.

Women's History Research Center. Women and/in law [section I: Law/]general/ [compiled by] Susan Bateman [and] Joanne Schulman

Title from microfilm. Title on container: Women and the lae; title on guide (with indexes): Women and law. Microfilm of clipping archive "now being housed at the University of Wyoming's Archive of Contemporary History." Includes bibliography. Contents: Reel 1-8. sect. I, Law/…

Women's History Research Center. Women in/and the law, section 3. Employment / compiled by Susan Bateman [and] Joanne Schulmann

Title from microfilm. Title on container, reel 2: Women in/and in the law; title on guide (with indexes): Women and law. Microfilm of clipping archive "now being housed at the University of Wyoming's Archive of Contemporary History." Includes biblography

Women's History Research Center. Women in/and the law, section II. Politics / [compiled by Susan Bateman and Joanne Schulman]

Title from microfilm. Titles on contatiners: Women and the law; Women and law. Microfilm of clipping archive housed at the University of Wyoming's Archive of Contemporary History.

Zettel, R.M. A summary of factors relating to the taxation of motor vehicles.

Not available.

Zimmermann, Arnd. Tyche bei Platon

Not available.