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Microforms with Miscellaneous Content

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Displaying: 51 - 100 of 180 record(s)
Author/Title Sort descending Description
Falbe, Adelheid. Die Dichtung Maurice Sceves.

Not available.

Fieger, Werner. Uber einige Verallgemeinerungen der Reimann-Stieltjes-Integrale auf Matrixfunktionen


Filamondo, Raffaele Maria. Il genio bellicoso di Napoli; memorie istoriche d'alcuni capitani celebri Napolitan c'han militato per la Fede, per lo Re', per l Patria nel secolo trascorso

On reel with above is Giovio, Paolo. La prima [e seconda] parte dell 'Historie del svo tempo di Mons

Flecknoe, Richard. [Flecknoe material]

Contents. -(1) The damoiselles à la mode. -(2) The marriage of Oceanus and Britannia. (3) Adriadne deserted by Theseus. (4) Erminia. (5) Love's kingdom. (6) A short discourse of the English stage

Fleming, Sanford. American Baptists and higher education; higher education in the area of the American (Northern) Baptist Convention.

Not available.

Fox, Ann Martha Sandburg. The amendability of a cataloging process to stimulation by automatic techniques…1972.

Not available.

Fredericksmeyer, Ernest Adolph. The religion of Alexander the Great.

Not available.

Fuero de Burgos

(Spanish legal text series; no.1)

Fuhrer durch die Quellen zur Geschichte Lateinamerikas in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Series: Guide to the sources of the history of the nations. A. Latin America ; v. 2, no. 1.

Génie, Fernand. Miracle du coeur, roman; préf. du R.P. Vuillermet.

Not available.

Gist, Noel Pitts. Secret societies: a cultural study of fraternalism in the United States. Forward by Melville J. Herskovits.

Not available.

Grenzheuser, Bruno. Kaiser und Senat in der Zeit von Nero bis Nerva

Not available.

Grigor'ev, Apollon Aleksandrovich, 1822-1864. Sochineniia. Izd. N.N. Strakhova.

Not available.

Gross, Bella. Clarion Call: the history and development of the negro peoples's convention movement in the United States from 1817-1840.

Not available.

Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, conte. The history of France…

On reel with above are: Relations of the most famous kingdoms and common-weales thorovgh the world [by] G. Botero. 1608; and An introduction to the history of the principal kingdoms and states of Europe, by S. Pufendorf, 1700.

Guide to manuscript sources for history of Latin America and the Caribbean in the British Isles.

Series: Guide to the sources of the history of the nations. A. Latin America.

Hall, Joseph, Bp. Of Norwich, 1574-1656. Le ciel sur la terre…1629.

Also on reel are: His Coelvm in terra…Amstelredami, 1623. Le Seneqve ressvcite Chrestien…2 ed….Paris, 1614. De la tranqvilllté de l'esprit…Paris, 1648.

Hamdy, Mohamed Nabil. The title unit entry: an argument for the rejection of the author main entry in theory and practice…1972.

Not available.

History of the law of real property in New York: an essay introductory to the study of the N.Y. revised statutes / by Robert Ludlow Fowler.

Law books recommended for libraries. Property ; 43

Hittorp, Melchior. De divinis Catholicae ecclesia officiis et mysteriis varii vetustorum aliquot ecclesia patrum ac scriptorum ecclesiasticorum libri, quorum catalogum pagine decimasexta complectitur

Not available.

Hornor, William Macpherson, 1897-. Blue book, Philadelphia furniture, William Penn to George Washington, with special reference to the Philadelphia-Chippendale school.

Not available.

Hort, G. Piers Plowman and contermporary religious thought

Not available.

Hort, Greta. Piers. Plowman and contermperary religious thought. Published for the Church historical society.

On this reel with: Man's unconquerable world, by R.W. Chambers.

Hung Cheng Fu. Un siècle d'influence chinoise sur la littérature fan?aise (1815-1930)

At head of title: Université de Paris. Faculté de lette res.

Huntington, W.C. Long range building program for the College of Engineering of the University of Colorado, including procedures applicable to other colleges

Rutgers Microfilm Service

Iefremov, Serhii Oleksandrovych. Mykhailo Kotsiubyns'kyi

At head of title on original t.-p.: Zahal'na biblioteka, no.168-170. Literaturni kharakterystiki Ukra?ns'kykh pys'mennykiv, III.

IMC/CBMS archives [International Missionary Council.; Conference of British Missionary Societies.; University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies. Library.]

Original manuscripts in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
[pt. 27-28]. Portuguese Africa (101 microfiches);
[pt. 29-33]. Central & Southern Africa (245 microfiches);
[pt. 34]. Egypt (57 microfiches).

Immigrant in America

Assembled from several major archives including the New York Public Library, the Balch Institute in Philadelphia, and the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota.

In memoriam Major William Harrison Lambert, 1842-1912.

Includes program of memorial service in the Second Presbyterian Church, Germantown, Philadelphia, June the sixteenth…1912, and various memorial reolutions; On reel with: The art of flying, by S. Andrews

Inventaires des Archives Nationales de Paris

Not available.

James, Mrs. Orrin. The wresker's daughter, a romance of the Barnegat Beach

dime novel

Kerr, Thomas Jefferson. N.Y. Factory investigating commission & the Progressives

Not available.

Kirn, John W. Sketch of the trial of Mary Cole…1812.

On reel with: The art of flying, by S. Andrews

Kissinger, Henry Alfred. Peace, legitimacy, and the equilibrium; (a study of the statesmanship of Castlereagh and Metternich)

Not available.

Klychkov, Sergei Antonovich. Almanbet i altna?. Vol'naía obrabotka kirgizskogo eposa "Anas".

Not available.

La Brière, Yves de. Ce que fut la "Cabale des Dévots.

On reel with: Marchetty, F., La vie de Messire Iean Baptiste Gavlt.

Lewytzkyj, Borys. The Soviet political elite. Brief biographies, indices and tables on 989 memners and candidate members of the CPSU Central Committee from 1912-1969, together with an overall analysis.

Not available.

Liagre-De Sturler, Léone / Guide des sources de l'histoire d'Amérique latine conservées en Belguique

Guide to the sources of the history of the nations. A. Latin America ; v. 3, no. 1. [series title]

Library of Congress: A Documentary History

U.S. Library of Congress

Liebert, Eduard Wilhelm Hans von. Die Entwicklung der Sozialdemokratie und ihr Einfluss auf das deutche Heer

Not available.

Limberg, Johann. Das im Jahr 1708 Lebende und schwebehde Eisenach, welches anno 1709, zum Erstenmahl gedruckt und zusammen gefragen Worden von Johann Limberg. Anitzo wieder ubersehen und mit einem curiosen appendice vermehret gedruckt im Jahr 1712.

Not available.

Manual for Human Rights Education: Primary and Secondary Levels

Not available.

Marchetty, Fran?ois. La vie de Messire Iean Baptiste Gavlt, evesque de Marseille.

On reel with: La Brière, Y., Ce que fut la "Cabale des Dévots.

Martene, Edmond. De antiquis ecclesiae ritibus libri…editio secundo

Not available.

Martin's soldier's record. Morries County pioneers

Not available.

Marty, Andre Pierre, 1886-. Archives Andre Marty

Not available.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Center of Analysis. Tables of supersonic flow around cones, by the staff of the Computing Section, Center of Analysis, under the direction of Zdenek Kopal.

Not available.

Matthews, Paul C. Some social aspects of estate taxation.

Not available.

Meisner, C. F. Anmerkungen uber die naturaliche Beschaffenheit derer K. R. Erblaudern und derselben bequemen Lage, nicht allein zu ihrem eigenen inlandischen Commercio sondern auch Kaufhandel in andere Reiche und Lander zu treiben…

With this is microfilmed Weinbrenner, Joseph von. Patriotische Gedanken

Merton, Marieluise. Fides Romana bei Livius

Not available.