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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 701 - 750 of 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Sort descending Description
Roosevelt, Eleanor. Papers of Eleanor Roosevelt, 1933-1945.

Not available.

Runge, James Richard. Social science generalizations for use in the social studies curriculum: producing, exchanging, distributing, and consuming food, clothing, shelter and other consumer goods and services.

Thesis non-RU

Russia. Gosudarstvennaia Duma. Stenograficheskie Otchety. April 27, 1906-February 25, 1917.

Not available.

Russian Futurism 1910-1916: poetry and manifestos

Not available.

Rusteika, George Peter. Social science generalizations for use in the social studies curriculum: communicating facts, ideas and feelings.

Thesis non-RU

Saionji, Kimmochi, 1849-1940. Saionji-Harada memoirs 1930-1940: Civil Intelligence Section Special report (See also International Military Tribunal for the Far East Proceedings = Tokyo War Crimes Trial)

Prince Kinmochi Saionji (1849-1940) was the last of the leaders of the Meiji Restoration to retain political influence in 20th century Japan. These memoirs (written by Baron Harada) give a view of pre-war Japan.

Saloshin, Henrietta Etta. Development of an instrument for the analysis of the social group work method in therapeutic settings

Dissertation non-RU

Sanborn Map Company. Sanborn Fire Insurance maps. (Alaska, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey)

From original copies in the geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress. Each set in alphabetical order by city/town.

Sanborn Map Company. Fire Insurance Maps from the Sanborn Map Company Archives:Late 19th Century to 1990: New Jersey

Alphabetical by town/city.

Sansolo, Jack. Trainer style and group reactions: an analysis of trainer comments in T-groups and its relation to the learning and the satisfaction of group members.

Thesis non-RU

Savitsky, Ira H. History and trends of the juvinile court movement.

Thesis RU (B.A.)

Schein, Beatrice (Weiss). Leisure-time activities and interests of Newark Youth and their implications for the Newark Public Library

Dissertation non-RU

Schlachter, Gail Ann. Professional librarians' attitudes toward professional and employee associations as revealed by academic librarians in seven midwestern states

Thesis, Non-RU

Schönewolf, Karl. Ludwig Tiek und die Musik, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Romantik.

Thesis, non-RU

Schulte-Albert, Hans Georg. Leibniz's plans for a world encyclopedia system.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Schuneman, Raymond Smith. The photograph in print: an examination of New York daily newspapers, 1890-1937.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Schwartz, Bernard. An investigation of the effects of a seventh and eighth grade core program on pupil progress in senior high school.

Thesis non-RU

Sclotthaus, Werner. Das Spielphanomen und seine Erscheinunsweise in der Dichtung der Anakreontik.

Thesis Non-RU

Scuorzo, Herbert Ernest. An analysis of the position of audio-visual instructional materials building coordinator in the public elementary schools of New Jersey

Thesis non-RU, abstracted in Dissertation abstracts

Seager, Robert, 1924-. The progressives and American foreign policy, 1898-1917; an analysis of the attitudes of leaders of the progressive movement toward external affairs.

Thesis Non-RU

Selective index to New Jersey architectural illustrations, 1876-1980.

Indexed by members of the Newark Public Library Art and Music Dept.

Sewell, Edward Granville, 1919-. The evaluation of attitudes and understanding of students in secondary school economics.

Thesis non-RU

Sexual politics in Britain (Harvester/Primary social sources b; 4)

Feminist, gay and lesbian alternative press publications of 1976-78. Incomplete contents: pt. [1. No special title] (115 fiche and guide) -- pt. [2] 1975 update (57 fiche and guide) -- pt. [3] 1976 update (61 fiche and guide) -- pt. [4] 1977/78 update (80 fiche and guide) -- pt. [5] 1977/1978…

Shafer, Susanne Mueller. Persistence of postwar American proposals for the study of contemporary affairs in the West German Volksschule.

Thesis non-RU

Shalinsky, William Irwin. The effect of group composition on aspects of group fuctioning

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Shank, Russell, 1925-. Physical science and engineering societies in the United States as publishers, 1939-1964

Thesis, Non-RU

Shelburn, Shirley J. An exploratory study onto the effects of reading through analysis of responses to books read voluntarily by ninth-grade students

Thesis non-RU

Sherrill, Laurence Lester. The affective responses of ethnic minority readers to indigenous ghetto literature: a measurement

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Shields, Thomas Cracraft. Action research to produce a restatement of objectives for the social studies.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Shriver, George Hite, Jr. Philip Schaff's concept of organic historiography interpreted in relation to the realization of an "Evangelical Catholicism" within the Christian community

Thesis non-RU

Shultz, John Howard. Obscurantism in Milton and the humanistic tradition.

Thesis non-RU

Siemers, Allan Arthur. World history in selected California high schools.

Thesis non-RU

Sikka, D.B. Sedimentation in Raritan River and Raritan Bay

Dissertation non-RU

Simon, Ernest. A tradition of the comic novel: Sorel, Scarron, Furetiere, Sterne, Diderot

Thesis non-RU, abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts

Sinclair, Dorothy Melville. Growth patterns in multi-library systems for public service

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Sinkler, George. The racial ideas of American presidents from Lincoln to Theodore Roosevelt.

Thesis non-RU

Skov, Lyle Lenard. The teaching-learning of factual information in the social sciences in a program that is deliberately structured to promote social learnings for democratic behavior.

Thesis non-RU

Skovajsa, Kornel Joseph. Vladimir Nabokov's Wugene Onegin: a critical study

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Slack, Neill Clifton. Origin and development of industrial education in Nebraska to 1960

thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Slamecka, Vladimir. The semi-centralized system of technical documentation and information of Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and East Germany

Thesis, Non-RU

Sloan, Elaine Carol Frank. The organization of collection development in large university research libraries

Thesis, Non-RU

Sloan, Fred A Jr. Readability of social studies textbooks for grades four, five, and six, as measured by the Dale-Chall formula.

Thesis non-RU

Smith, Dennie Lee. The assessment of a social studies in-service education program through student perceptions.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Smith, Kermit Wayne. The politics of judicial reform in New Jersey

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Social and political status of women in Britain

Periodicals from the collection of the Newspaper Library of the British Library.
Series 1, pt. 1. Radical and reforming periodicals for and by women (reels 1-17) -- series 1, pt. 2. Rare political, reforming and professional journals for and by women, 1858-1935 (reels 18-38) -- series 1,…

Social Welfare Periodicals: sources for history of social welfare in America

1. National Conference on Social Welfare. Social Welfare Forum. Offical proceedings, 1874-1969 -- 2. Child labor bulletin, 1912-1919, superceded by American child, 1919-1955 -- 3. Lend a hand, 1886-1897 -- 4. Charities review, 1891-1901 -- 5. Survey, 1897-1952, which includes Charities,…

Sogard, T L. A study of internal check and controls in bank operations.

Thesis Non-RU

Solomons, Anee. Arthur Rackham; English illustrator.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Somers, Mary Louise. Four small group theories; a comparative analysis and evaluation of selected social science theory for use as teaching content in social group work

Microfilm copy of typescript; Thesis non-RU

Sontgerath, Alfred Michail. Das Weiter leben des 18. Jahrhunderts in der Lyrik der Biedermeirzeit.

Thesis Non-RU