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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 501 - 550 of 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Sort descending Description
Marchand, Charles Roland. The ultimate reform: world peace in America thought during the progressive era.

Thesis Non-RU

Marchant, Maurice Peterson. The effects of the decision making process and related organizational factors on alternative measures of performance in university libraries

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Marcson, Simon. The prediction of intermarriage.

Thesis non-RU

Marcus Garvey, FBI Investigation File

Not available.

Marsal, Juan Francisco. The image of a changing Latin America: a sociological criticism of some current American and Latin American models.

Thesis non-RU

Martin Luther King, Jr. FBI Assassination File

Not available.

Martin, Gene Ellis, 1926-. Land division in central Chile.

Thesis non-RU

Mass Observation File Reports - The Tom Harrisson Mass-Observation archive

The Mass Observation Project was a privately funded documentary study of the everyday life of the British people from the years 1937-1943. The microfiche collection is a reproduction of the Mass-Observation Archives in Great Britain.

Massachusetts. Agent for aiding discharged prisoners. Report. 1846-1929.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The reports for 1846-1856 and 1876 were not located and may never have been published. Reports for 1880-1929 are contained in the Annual report of the board of commissioners of prisons and its successors. From 1929 on aid was distributed…

Massachusetts. Board of prison commissioners. Annual report. 1st-15th; 1901-1914/15.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection

Massachusetts. Board of probation. Annual report. 1928/30.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. No reports were issued for the years 1928 and 1929, but they are covered in the 1930 report.

Massachusetts. Bureau of prisons. Annual report. 1st-4th; 1816-1919.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. Contains reports upon all prison matters, with statistics of arrests and of criminal prosecutions. Includes also reports of the State prison, Boston, the Massachusetts reformatory, Concord, the Reformatory prison for women, Sherborn, the…

Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics. The Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics, 1869-1915: a sketch of its history, organization and functions. [State Labor Reports]

Part of State Labor Reports series

Massachusetts. Commission on probation. Annual report. 1st-19th; 1909-1926/27.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The 14th Report, 1922, was not printed. The 17th Report, 1925, was never issued.

Massachusetts. Department of correction. Annual report. 1st-11th; 1919/20-1929/30.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection

Massachusetts. Department of public welfare. Annual report. 1st-11th; 1920-1929/30.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The department has supervisory and administrative authority over state, city and town institutions and agencies.

Massachusetts. State board of charity. Annual report. 21st-41st; 1898/99-1918/19.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection

Masterton, Elizabeth G. An evaluation of the school library in the reading program

Thesis non-RU

Mattsson-Bozé, Martin Howard. James McHenry, Secretary of War, 1796-1800

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Maurstad, Betty Louise. Concerning structural properties in the literature of the art historian- a bibliometric study

Thesis, Non-RU

Maw, Ethel Wildey. An experiment in teaching critical thinking in the intermediate grades.

Thesis non-RU

Mayer, Phyllis Arlene. Some characteristics of nonresident library users

Thesis non-RU

McAllister, Jeanne Ployhart. The transition of a library into an instructional media center

Thesis, Non-RU

McCann, John J. Banking on the air.

Thesis Non-RU

McCumsey, Norman Lee. The effects of professional negotiations on secondary school principals' decision making functions.

Thesis non-RU

McGarry, Loretta, Sister. The Holy Eucharist in Middle English homiletic and devotional verse.

Thesis non-RU

McGinnis, Dorothy Agnes. Use of the public library in Newark, New Jersey, by high school graduates

Dissertation non-RU

McGuire, Alice Brooks. Developmental values in children's literature

Dissertation non-RU

McGuire, Rita Audrey. The group work field instructor in action: a study of field instruction using the critical incident technique

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Mcjimsey, George Tilden. The life of Manton Marble

Thesis non-RU

Meadows, Iris Culver. Concepts of child nature in American life and education, 1800-1900.

Thesis non-RU

Meisel, Jacqueline C. Architectural survey of representative domestic structures pre-dating 1810 in Gloucester Co., N.J., 1963.

Thesis Non-RU

Meisel, Jacqueline C. Architectural survey of representative domestic structures pre-dating 1810 in Gloucester Coounty, New Jersey

Thesis non-RU

Meister, Klaus. Die sizilische Geschichte bei Diodor von den Anfangen bis zum Tod des Agathokles; quellenuntersuchungen zu Buch IV-XXI.

Thesis non-RU

Mellette, Peter. Reconstruction, expansion, and change: America as reported by British travelers during the period 1865-1890, with a focus upon intergroup relations; a report of a type C project.

Thesis non-RU

Melton, Richard Stanley. A comparison of clinical and actuarial methods of prediction with an assessment of the relative accuracy of different clinicians.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Melvin, Constance, Sister. A history of school libraries in Pennsylvania by Sister M. Constance Melvin

Thesis non-RU

Mendiville, Miguel. An experimental study of the effects of training small leaderless groups in Orientation behavior.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Merelo, J. The Federal Trade Comission's role in printed advertising.

Thesis RU (B.A.)

Metcalf, Lawrence Eugene. A theory of conceptual learning and its implications for the teaching of the social studies for the purpose of clarifying social attitudes.

Thesis non-RU

Mexico. Direccion General de Estadistica. Anuario estadistico. 1893-1904, 1906-1924, 1930, 1938-1968/69. [Annual statistics]

Not available.

Mitchell, John. 1870-1919. John Mitchell papers. 1885-1919

Not available.

Model cities [reports]

A collection of reports and studies written by local government agencies, Federal agencies, or private corporations concerned with urban renewal.

Montgomery, James Collins. A history of the New Jersey Education Association

RU Dissertation

Montgomery, Kenneth Leon. Factors affecting search time in a document retrieval system

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Moore, Daniel Eldredge. The United Malays national organization and the 1959 Malayan elections: a study of a political party in action in a newly independent plural society

Thesis non-RU

Moore, Eleanor. An analysis of the uses made of a public library by high school students

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Moore, Jane Elizabeth Ross. Information and the urban dweller: a study of an information delivery system

Thesis, Non-RU

Moore, Robert Joseph. Historians' interpretations of the reconstruction period in American history

Thesis non-RU

Morgan, Howard Wayne. The congrassional career of William McKinley.

Thesis non-RU