North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. Mexico |
Contains a wide range of documentation, with its principal strength in primary sources such as serials, reports, fliers, pamphlets, posters, manuscripts, and correspondence. The publications generally provide the ideological perspective of the left wing, progressive, and human rights issues, but… |
North Carolina. Board of public charities. Report. 1st-39th; 1869/70-1916. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. No reports were issued for 1871-1889. The 29th report, 1906, was not located and may never have been published.
North Carolina. Budget Office. North Carolina state government statistical abstract. 1971, 1973, 1976. |
Part of Statistical Abstracts collection
North Carolina. State board of charities and public welfare. Biennial Report 1st-7th; 1917/18-1929/30. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The local board has administrative, supervisory and investigative authority over the whole system of charities and corrections within the state.
North Carolina. State child welfare commission. Report. 1st-6th; 1919/22-1928/30. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The 2nd Report, 1920/22, was not located and may never have been published.
Northen, Helen. The effectiveness of social group work in the development of qualitative participation. |
Thesis Non-RU
Northern Ireland. General Register Office. Census of population, 1961. |
Part of Western European Census Reports
Norway. Statistisk Sentralbyra. Folkestelling 1960. Population census 1960. |
Part of Western European Census Reports
Norway. Statistiske Sentralbyra. Historisk statistikk. 1968. [Statistics] |
Part of Foreign Statistical Yearbooks collection.
Norway. Statistiske Sentralbyra. Statistisk arbok for Norge. 1879-1965. [Statistical yearbook] |
Part of Foreign Statistical Yearbooks collection.
Norwood, Alberta S. Negro welfare work in Philadelphia, especially as illustrated by the career of William Still. 1775-1930. |
Thesis Non-RU
O'Brian, Philip Michael. Attitudes of academic librarians in the Pacific Coast states toward library technitians. |
Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)
O'Brien, John L. Articulation in selected New Jersey junior and senior high schools. |
Thesis RU
Oak, Eleanor Hill. The development of separate education in the state of New Jersey. |
Thesis non-RU
Oberdoerffer, Marianne. Contemporary Mexican theater, 1923-1959 |
Thesis non-RU
Occupation of Japan: U.S. Planning Documents, 1942-1945. |
Not available.
Official journal of the European Communities. C. Information and notices; Official journal of the European Communities. L. Legislation |
Earlier years (1973-1983) at ALEXANDER DOC KJE908.O33 and ALEXANDER DOC KJE908.O35.
Ohio. Board of administration. Annual report. 1st-10th; 1911/12-1920/21. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The board is responsible for organizing the statistical and financial records of the various institutions so they can be administered as a single unit.
Ohio. Board of clemency. Annual report. 1st-6th; 1924-1929. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection
Ohio. Board of commissioners for reform schools. Annual report. 1st-58th; 1856-1912/13. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. Reports following the 1st Biennial Report, 1908/09, and preceding the 58th Annual Report, 1912/13, were not located and may never have been published.
Ohio. Board of state charities. Report. 1st-46th; 1867-1920/21. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The board has no administrative authority; its purpose is to examine all state charities and report its findings to the Legislature. The 34th Report is the last known publication in this series.
Ohio. Department of public welfare. Report. 1st-9th; 1921-1930.. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The department has jurisdiction over state charities, pardons and paroles, excepting the power to purchase supplies for the support and maintenance of state institutions.
Ohio. Industrial and Economic Development Department. Statistical abstract of Ohio. 1960, 1969. |
Part of Statistical Abstracts collection
Ohio. State board of pardons. Annual report. 1st-15th; 1888-1916/17. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The 1st-3rd and 7th-11th Reports, 1888-1889/90 and 1893/94-1897/98, respectively, were not located and may never have been published; the 12th Report, 1898/99, is the last known report in the series.
Oklahoma. Census. 1907. (State Censuses) |
Part of larger State Censuses collection
Olshausen, Ulrich. Das lautenbegleitete Sololied in England um 1600. Mit einem Register der unveroffentlichten Lider |
Thesis non-RU
Olson, Harold G. Bank investment in a small business investment company under the small business investment act of 1958. |
Thesis Non-RU
Olson, Richard D. The staff association in the academic library |
Thesis non-RU
Operation Dixie: the C.I.O. Organizing Papers 1946-1953. |
Records of the CIO organizing drive from four states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Congress of Industrial Organizations
Organization of American States. OAS official records. (Documentos oficiales de la OEA) |
Issued by: Pan American Union, General Secretariat, Organization of American States, -1969; General Secretariat of the Organization of American States, 1970- Each document bears a symbol indicating either its category or its originating agency.
Organization of American States. Reuniones Bibliotecologicas. (Seminar on Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) |
Final report and papers. 1st through 6th seminar, 1956-1961.
Organization of Teachers of Colored Children in the State of New Jersey. The annual 20th anniversary… Atlantic City, New Jersey, Saturday, May 11, 1935. Officers 1934 and 1935 (listed) Pres. Montgomery Gregory… Executive committee: J. Caroll Rooke, Chairman. |
Not available.
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Annual review and record. 1967-1977. |
Not available.
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Annual statistical bulletin. 1966-1977. |
Not available.
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Resolutions adopted at the conferences. 1st-39th. 1960-1974. |
Not available.
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Selected documents of the international petroleum industry. 1966-1976. |
Not available.
Oriental Institute. 1905-1907 Breasted expeditions to Egypt and the Sudan: a photographic study. |
Reproduction of about 1100 photographs taken by Professor James Henry Breasted and his colleagues during two expeditions to the Nubia.
Orr, Isabel. The first fifty years of printing in Missouri (1808-1857) |
Thesis non-RU (M.Sc.)
Orvieto, Enzo Umberto. Guido da Pisa e il commento inedito all'Inferno datesco: trascrizione ed analisi delle chose ai Canti primo e trentatreeismo (Italian commentary with Latin text) |
Thesis non-RU
Padgett, James Absolom. History of the Federal election laws. |
Thesis non-RU
Paicurich, Gene John. A history of the library overdue book penalty and a survey of its use today in the university library |
Thesis non-RU
Palmer, Richard Phillips. User requirements of a university library card catalog |
Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts
Parker, Stephen Jan. Vladimir Nabokov-Sirin as teacher: the Russian novels |
Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts
Parrillo, Vincent Nicholas. Predicting academic success in college for disadvantaged students |
Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts
Pasler, Rudolph J., II. The Federalist Party in Burlington County, New Jersey |
Thesis non-RU
Patterson, Charles Darold. A graphemic, morphological, syntactical, lexical, and contextual analysis of the Library of Congress music subject headings and their relationship to the Library of Congress classification schedule, class M, as determined by a comaprative sampling of their two vocabularies |
Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts
Peard, F Furnival. A historical study of trust service in Maryland. |
Thesis Non-RU
Peck, Albert Daniel. Social science generalizations for use in the social studies curriculum: expressing and satisfying esthetic needs and impulses. |
Thesis non-RU
Pennsylvania. Board of public charities. Annual report. 1st-48th; 1870-1918. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The board is responsible for inspecting all charitable and correctional institutions in the state and must examine all local reports concerning the support of paupers. The 14th-48th Reports, 1883-1917, include the 1st-35th Annual reports… |
Pennsylvania. Department of welfare. Biennial report. 1st-5th; 1921/22-1929/30. |
Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The functions of the Department are mainly supervisory and advisory. It is responsible for inspecting the 850 institutions and agencies in the state.