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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Sort ascending Description
Civil Rights During the Johnson Administration, 1963-1969

A collection from the holdings of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Austin, Texas. [pt. 1. White House central files (15 reels) -- pt. 2. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission administrative history (3 reels) -- pt. 3. Oral histories (3 reels) -- pt. 4. Records of the White House Conference…

City Directories Trenton, New Jersey. 1845-1971 Trenton Free Public Library

No directories included for 1846-1853, 1858, 1860-1864, 1866, 1937, 1939-45, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1959, 1961, 1964, 1968, 1969.

Churchill, Charles Wesley. The Italians of Newark, a community study.

Thesis non-RU

Church of Scotland missionary archive

Archive from the National Library of Scotland. Part 1. Missions to India and China, 1829-1933.

Christiansen, Harley Duane. The relationship of several self-other indices to claimed and measured interests of vocational high school seniors

Microfilm copy; Dissertation non-RU

Christian, Howard Nathaniel. Samuel Cornish, pioneer negro journalist.

Thesis Non-RU

Christian, Chester Caisel, Jr. Literary representation and sociological analysis, social class in Latin America

Thesis non-RU

Chou, Lily Oan Shau. The Min Ch'uan - Ch'I drama: anatomy of a popular theater.

Thesis non-RU

Chimes, George. The making of an American loyalist; a study of William Franklin1730-1776

Thesis non-RU

Cheaney, Henry Ellis. Attitudes of the Indiana pulpit and press toward the negro: 1860-1880.

Thesis non-RU

Chalsma, Howard William. Russian acmeism: its history, doctrine and poetry

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Census data with maps for small areas of New York City, 1910-1960

U.S. Census

Cavanagh, Max. Term loans: policies and practices.

Thesis Non-RU

Cash, Genevieve M. A history of public education in Bayonne, New Jersey from 1901 through 1950.

Thesis RU

Caruso, Dorothy Elaine Furnier. An experiment to determine the effectiveness of an interactive tutorial program, implemented on the time sharing IBM System 360, model 50, in teaching a subject-oriented user to formulate inquiry statements to a computerized on-line information retrieval system

Thesis, Non-RU

Carter, James Earl Jr., Gov. 1971-1975: [articles from the Atlanta constitution and the Atlanta journal, Oct. 22, 1962-Mar. 26, 1976]

Articles from the Atlanta Constitution and the Atlanta Journal describing James Earl Carter's political career from 1962 to 1976.

Carroll, Hardy. Metric spaces applied to locating library collections

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.); MG/BF 4-23-76

Carlson, Oscar K. An investment policy for commercial banks and investment standards.

Thesis Non-RU

Canada. Statistics Canada. Census of Canada 1871-1971

Census of Canada: 1871, 1881, 1890-91, 1893, 1901, 1906, 1911, 1921, 1931, 1941, 1951, 1961, 1966, 1971. Census of Manitoba 1885-86. Census of Newfoundland and Labrador 1945. Census of Prairie Provinces 1906(?), 1916, 1926, 1936. Census of the Three Provisional Districts of the North-West…

Canada. Public Archives. Annual Reports 1872-1949

Not available.

Campaign for Women's Suffrage, 1895-1920: Papers of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, the National Union of Woman's Suffrage Societies, the Parliamentary Committee for Woman's Suffrage, and the Manchester Men's League for Woman's Suffrage

Not available.

Cambridge South Asian archive: records of the British period in South Asia relating to India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma, Nepal and Afghanistan held in the Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge

Pre-1760 - 1970+

California. State department of public welfare. Biennial report. 1st: 1922/26.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. This report, dated 1924/26 includes reports on dependency, delinquency, mental disease and deficiency. It also included statistical data of the Board of charities and corrections for the biennial period from 1922/24 which, heretofore,…

California. State board of prison directors. Report. 1st-32nd. 1879-1928/30.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. Reports are annual 1879-1892, biennial 1892-1930. The 16th Report, 1896/98 was never published. Includes reports of the state prisons at Quentin and at Folsom.

California. State board of charities and corrections. Biennial report. 1st-10th: 1903/04-1920/22.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The board has supervisory, investigatory and licensing authority over all state, county, and city charitable, correctional, penal and reformatory institutions

California. Senate. California statistical abstract. 1958.

Part of Statistical Abstracts collection

California. Finance department. California statistical abstracts. 1966-1975.

Part of Statistical Abstracts collection

California. Economic development agency. California statistical abstract. 1961-1965.

Part of Statistical Abstracts collection

California. Department of social welfare. Biennial report. 1st-2nd: 1926/28-1928/30.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. The department is responsible for all social work in the state of California.

California. Department of institutions. Biennial report. 1st-5th: 1920/22-1928/30.

Part of State Corrections and Poverty Reports collection. Includes also the reports of the California school for girls, Industrial home for adult blind, Industrial farm for women, Pacific colony, Preston school of industry, Sonoma state home, Agnew's state hospital, Mendocino state hospital…

California. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Biennial report. 1st-9th. 1883/84-1899/1900. [State Labor Reports]

Part of State Labor Reports series. 6th (1893-94) and 8th (1897/98) not published.

Calhoon, Robert McCluer. Critics of colonial resistance in the pre-Revolutionary debate, 1763-1776.

Thesis Non-RU

Byron, Lorene Sandra. A comparitive evaluation of two indexing languages.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.); MG/BF 4-26-76

Busha, Charles Henry. The attitudes of midwestern public librarians toward intellectual freedom and censorship

Thesis, Non-RU

Burrell, W.P. Dr. Booker T. Washington's tour of New Jersey, September 7th-10th, 1914; souvenir program. With a few facts about the state of New Jersey Morristown, Montclair, Paterson, Newark, Princeton, Burlington, Bridgeton, Gouldtown, Ocean City, Cape May, Salem, the Oranges.

Not available.

Bureau of Social Hygiene Project and Research Files 1918-1940: a Collection of the Rockefeller Archives Center of the Rockefeller

Volume 1-21. Unpublished reports, case histories, research studies, educational materials, correspondence, etc. in the fields of prostitution, narcotics, birth control, juvenile delinquency, penology, police systems and other areas relating to social welfare.

Bulgaria. Glavna Directsiia na Statistikata. Statisticheski godishnik na Bulgarskoto Tsarstvo. Annuaire statistique du Royaume de Bulgarie. [Annual statistics] 1909-1942.

Part of Foreign Statistical Yearbooks collection.

Bulgaria. Darzhavno Upravlenie za Informatsiya. Statistickeski godishnik na Narodna Republika Bulgaria. [Annual statistics] 1956-1970.

Part of Foreign Statistical Yearbooks collection. 1956, 1969 not received

Brown, Alice Elizabeth (Cooke). A social history of Rutherford, New Jersey

Thesis non-RU

Brockman, Henry Caruthers. Frank Hugh Foster: a chapter in the American Protestant quest for authority in theology

Thesis non-RU

British biographical archive: a one-alphabet cumulation of 324 of the most important English-language biographical reference works originally published between 1601 and 1929.

Not available.

Brenalvirez, Irene Elizabeth. The theory and practice of parody in the modern novel: Mann, Joyce, and Nabokov

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Brazil's popular groups, 1966-1986. Supplement 9, 1999

Reel 1. Indexes; Agrarian reform and land issues -- reel 2. Children and youth -- reel 3. Education and communication -- reel 4. Environment and ecology -- reel 5-7. Ethnic groups -- reel 8. Homosexual and bisexual -- reel 9. Humans and civil rights -- reel 10. Labor and laboring classes --…

Brazil's popular groups, 1966-1986. Supplement 11, 2001

Reproduces more than 700 items issued between 1987 and 2000 which documented the ideas and activities of numerous Brazilian organizations and popular movements. This supplement consists of 68 pamphlets, 684 serial issues representing 124 titles, and 29 posters, and is strong in materials related…

Brazil's popular groups, 1966-1986. Supplement 10, 2000

Part of a collection of materials issued by socio-political, religious, labor, and minority grass roots organizations in Brazil. This supplement consists of 269 pamphlets, 962 serial issues representing 181 titles, and 87 posters. The collection is organized into fourteen broad categories:…

Bradley, Arthur Dickinson. Estimating success in technical and skilled trade courses using a multivariate statistical analysis

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Boyle, Ruth Colonna. The preparation, duties and certification of public school personnel workers in New Jersey.

Thesis RU (Ed. D.)

Boyce, Bert Roy. A literature filter of variable permeability

Thesis, Non-RU

Bowman, Francis B. Financing the stock broker.

Thesis Non-RU

Bowers, Orvon Rex. The effects of varies amounts of pre-test orientation and types of post-test interpretation in the accuracy of students' self-perception

thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts