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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

  • Results are displayed in alphabetical order by Author/Title. Click on the column heading to sort in reverse alphabetical order. Results may also be sorted based on Description; click on the column header.
  • The display is paged, with 50 records shown per page. Navigate through the records using the page numbers provided or the next, last, and first, previous options.
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  • Using the search filters below will only search records related to the 20th and 21st centuries.

Displaying: 951 - 1000 of 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Sort descending Description
U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of China, 1910-1929. (National Archives microcopy no. M329)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of France, 1910-1929. (National Archives microcopy no. M560)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Germany, 1910-1929. (National Archives microcopy no. M336)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Great Britain, 1910-1929. (National Archives microcopy no. M580)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Haiti, 1910-1929. (National Archives microcopy no. M610)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Japan, 1910-1929. (National Archives microcopy no. M422)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Japan, 1930-1944. (Decimal File 894)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Mexico, 1910-1929. (National Archives microcopy no. M274)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1910-1929. (National Archives microcopy no. M316)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State relating to World War I and its termination, 1914-29. (National Archives microcopy no. M367)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State, Communications from special agents, 1794-1906. (National Archives microcopy no. M37)

Reels 17, 22, 24

U.S. State Department. United States and France: Correspondence Dealing With Economic Relations, 1811-1930. Compiled and Indexed by Williamson B. Howell, Jr. Wilmington: Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1971.

The collection is compiled from the archive of the U.S. State Department, the French Foreign Office, and the American Embassy in Paris. It was edited at the embassy in 1931. The correspondence covers every important trade development and controversy from 1811 through 1930 between France and…

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Current Background. No. 1-778, 1950 - 1965.

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Extracts from China mainland magazine. No. 1 - 293, August 15, 1955 - December 27, 1961.

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Index to Survey of China Mainland Press. 1964-1965.

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Index to Survey, Current Background, Extracts. 1950 - 1961.

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Index to Survey, Current Background, Selections. 1962-1963

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Press Summaries. Extracts from China Mainland publications. No. 1 - 105, April 24, 1962 - August 19, 1964.

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Review of the Hong Kong Chines press. July 1, 1947 - May 10, 1961.

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Selections from China mainland magazines. No. 294-504, Jan. 3, 1962-Dec. 28, 1965.

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Selections from China mainland magazines. Supplement. No. 1-16, Nov. 12, 1965 - June 5, 1967.

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Survey of China Mainland Press. No. 1 - 6434, Nov. 1, 1950-Sept. 30, 1977. (Survey of the China Mainland Press)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Survey of China Mainland Press. Supplement. Hong Kong. No. 1 - 338, May 6, 1960 - March 13, 1974.

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Consulate General. Hong Kong.] Survey of the Peoples' Republic of China Press. Supplement. Hong Kong. No. 339 - 3??, March 25, 1974 - May 27, 1977.

Not available.

U.S. State Department. [U.S. Embassy. Japan] Summaries of selected Japanese magazines. 1952 - 1965.

Not available.

U.S. Strategic Services Office. OSS/State Department intelligence and research reports. Pts. 1-14.

OSS/State Dep't. commissioned top-secret reports written by leading scholars in internat'l affairs during WWII & the Cold War. Pt 1-Japan and its occupied territories during WWII; Pt 2-Postwar Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia; Pt 3-China and India; Pt 4-Germany and its occupied…

U.S. Supreme Court. Complete Oral Arguments of the Supreme Court of the United States. 1980-2013/2014

Not available.

U.S. Supreme Court. Oral Arguments of the Supreme Court of the United States: the Warren court, 1953 term-1968 term.

Not available.

U.S. Treasury Department. Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the state of the finances (including statistical appendix). 1790-1974.

Not available.

U.S. War Censorship Office. A history of the Office of Censorship.

1: Censorship as viewed from the office of the director -- 2: Press and Broadcasting Divisions -- 3: Liaison and Digest Office, Administrative Division, Technical Operations Division, Legal Office -- 4: The Office of the Chief Postal Censor -- 5: District postal censorship stations -- 6: Office…

U.S. War Information Office. Information Control and Propaganda: Records of the Office of War Information (Research Collections in the Social History of Communications)

pt. 1. The Director's central files, 1942-1945 (12 reels) -- pt. 2. Office of Policy Coordination. Series A. Propaganda and policy directives for overseas programs, 1942-1945 (15 reels).

UNESCO. A chronology of Unesco, 1945-1987 : facts and events in Unesco's history with references to documentary sources in the Unesco Archives and supplementary information in the annexes 1-21

Not available.

Unesco. Archives. Conference of Allied Ministers of Education (CAME), London : list of documents and correspondence files 1942-1945, with index.

Also ALEXANDER DOCREF Z5051.5.C66U54 1980

UNESCO. Check-list of Executive Board documents on microfiche : 1946-1982 : (1-115 EX)

Not available.

Unesco. Executive Board. List of Executive Board Documents: 1946-1982

Not available.

United Nations. Commodity trade statistics

Each issue in several parts, each part covering a different country, with most parts comprised of several microfiche; countries covered each year vary.
Continues a paper format publication with the same title.

United Nations. Conference on Human Settlements, Vancouver, 31 May-11 June 1976. HABITAT: The U.N. Conference on Human Settlements. Papers release by the Conference. Category VI. General.

Not available.

United Nations. Documents on the Situation in the Middle East, 1947-1973. Reference List No.7.

Not available.

United Nations. General Assembly. Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held at Stockholm, 5-16 June 1972. (A/Conf.48/14)

National Technical Information Service (NTIS) PB 211-133

United Nations. Library. Index to microfilm of United Nations documents in English. 1946-1961. Suppl. 1962-1967.

Not available.

United Nations. United Nations publications, 1946-2018.

Not available.

United States Military Intelligence Reports: Argentina 1918-1941

Not available.

United States Military Intelligence Reports: Mexico 1919-1941

Reports of the Army's G-2 intelligence unit.

United States Military Intelligence Reports: surveillance of radicals in the United States 1917-1941.

Includes copious records on the IWW + files on the Amer. Communist movement, Communist Labor Party, Socialist Party, Farmer-Labor Cong., Non-partisan League, Eugene Debs,Victor Berger, John Reed, Louis Frania & Roger Baldwin, etc. from the Army’s G-2 unit

United States v. A.T.&T.: Court Documents 1974-1984

Not available.

United States v. George Gordon Liddy, Everette Howard Hunt, James W. McCord, Bernard L. Barker, Eugenio R. Martinez, Frank A. Sturgis, Virgilio Gonzalez.

Not available.

United States v. John B. Connally and Jake Jacobsen

Not available.

United States v. John D. Ehrlichman, Charles W. Colson, G. Gordon Liddy, Bernard L. Barker, Felipe De Diego, Eugenio R. Martinez.

Eugenio R. Martinez, Frank A. Sturgos, Virgilio Gonzalez.

United States v. John N. Mitchell, Harry R. Halderman, John D. Ehrlichman, Robert C. Mardian, Kenneth W. Parkinson.

Not available.

University of Ibadan. Library. Nigerian pamphlets

Not available.