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Microforms with Miscellaneous Content

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Displaying: 180 record(s)
Author/Title Description Sort descending
Spanish Drama of the Golden Age: The Comedia Collection of the University of Pennsylvania Libraries.

Not available.

Center for research libraries catalog

Not available.

Vandevele, Marc. Recruitment in Publishing: a Survey of Recruitment of Professional Publishing Staff/ Vandeevele, Marc and Forsaith, John C.

Not available.

Victorian Bookbindings, a pictorial survey

Not available.

William S. Gray Research collection in reading

Not available.

Windham County, Connecticut. Town of Windham Conn. Probate Records

Not available.

British Library. Trends in the Education of Users of Libraries and Information Services in the USA. 1976

Not available.

Ramsey, Myrian 1930- / Uma concordância do romance Grande sertão, veredas de João Guimarães Rosa

Not available.

Swan Sonnenchein and Company. Index to the archives of Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1878-1911

Not available.

Répertoire bio-bibliographique des auteurs latins, patristiques et médiévaux

Not available.

Music catalog (Washington, D.C.)

Not available.

Rollant li proz" contribution à l'histoire de quelques qualifications laudatives en français du Moyen âge

Not available.

The Forster and Dyce Collections from the National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Not available.

Register of probate records, town of Norwalk, Connecticut 1802-1830

Not available.

Catullus, C.V. Book of Catullus of Verona in English verse by William Hardy Alexander

Not available.

America Institute of Public Opinion & Scholarly Resources, Inc. Gallup looks at the movies: audience research reports, 1940-1950

Not available.

Kissinger, Henry Alfred. Peace, legitimacy, and the equilibrium; (a study of the statesmanship of Castlereagh and Metternich)

Not available.

Zettel, R.M. A summary of factors relating to the taxation of motor vehicles.

Not available.

Celsus, Anlus Cornelius. A. Conelii Celsi De re medica. Liber octavus. Ejus priora quatuor capita commentariis illustrata à Petro Paauv.

Not available.

Donohuge, Joseph Chaminade. A method foe the analysis of a subject literature…1970.

Not available.

Fox, Ann Martha Sandburg. The amendability of a cataloging process to stimulation by automatic techniques…1972.

Not available.

Hamdy, Mohamed Nabil. The title unit entry: an argument for the rejection of the author main entry in theory and practice…1972.

Not available.

Deligdisch, Yekutiel. The reading comprehension of adult new readers in relation to their ethnic backgrounds…1971.

Not available.

Schulte-Albert, Hans Georg. Leibniz's plans for a world encyclopedia system…1972.

Not available.

Smith, Robert Metcalf. The varient issues of Shakespeare's second Folio, and Milton's first published English poem, a bibliographical problem.

Not available.

Richter, Theodor Friedrich Maximilian. Verungluckte Reise von Hamburg nach St. Thomas und Ruckker uber New-York und Kopenhagen; mit besonderer hinsicht auf den Charakter und die Lebensart ser Seeleute.

Not available.

Thomas, Timmie D. Reading guidance through the school library.

Not available.

Clarke, Victor Selden. Who's who in economics; an international biographical encyclopedia

Not available.

Molière. Tartuffe; analyses, morceaux choisis, études littéraire. Extraits du cours de littéraire de l'Abbé J.B. Domecq.

Not available.

Molière, Jean Babtiste Poluelin. Tartufe, ou L'imposteur. nouv. ed. classique revue et publiée avec notices, analyse, appréciations et notes par M. l'Abbé Figuière .

Not available.

Hittorp, Melchior. De divinis Catholicae ecclesia officiis et mysteriis varii vetustorum aliquot ecclesia patrum ac scriptorum ecclesiasticorum libri, quorum catalogum pagine decimasexta complectitur

Not available.

Monod, Jacques. Recherches sur la croissance de cultures bactériennes.

Not available.

Ainalov, Dmitrii Vlas'evich. Ellininisticheskiîa osnovy Bizantiiskago iskusstva.

Not available.

Hort, G. Piers Plowman and contermporary religious thought

Not available.

Martene, Edmond. De antiquis ecclesiae ritibus libri…editio secundo

Not available.

Achery, Luc d'. Spicileguim sive collectio veterum aliquot scriptorvm qui in Galliae bibliothecis delituerant. Nova editio priori…

Not available.

Nauen, Hans Günther. Die Bedeutung von Religion und Theologie im Tristan Gottfrieds von Strassburg. {Herne, Buchdruckerei un Verlag C. Th.

Not available.

Essebac, Achille. Dédé

Not available.

Génie, Fernand. Miracle du coeur, roman; préf. du R.P. Vuillermet.

Not available.

Molière, Jean Babtiste Poluelin. Le Tartufe; annotations de J. Franson

Not available.

Racine, Jean Baptiste. Phaedra [translated by] John Cairncross.

Not available.

Crawford, Constance. The Jackson Whites.

Not available.

Steinbrecker, Ursula. Liberale Parteiorganisation unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Linksliberalismus, 1871-1893, ein Beitrag zur deutschen Parteigeschicht Koln, 1960.

Not available.

Meyer, Werner. Die Bedeutung der Armut im Leben und Werk Wilhelm Raabes

Not available.

Archange de Saint Gabriel. La prophanation des eglises condamne'e par deux lettres chretiennes. La I. adressee aux hommes et la II. Adressee aux femmes & aux filles, qui manquent de respect & de piete dans les eglises

Not available.

Martin's soldier's record. Morries County pioneers

Not available.

de Beauvais, Vincent. Speculum morale Vincentii

Not available.

Polman, Chanoine Jean. Le Chancre ov Covvres-sein feminin…Ensemble, Le voile ov Covvre-chef feminin, par J.P. Chanoine theologal de Cambray

Not available.

de Beauvais, Vincent. Bibliotheca mundi. Vincentii Bellovacensis speculum quadruplex; naturale, doctrinale, morale, historiale…Omnia nunc accurate recognita…opera et studio theologorum Benedictinorum collegii Velastini in alma academia Duacensi

Not available.

Tommasi, Guiseppe Maria. Codices sacramentorum nongentis annis vetustiorres nomorum libri III

Not available.