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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Description Sort descending
Dubanowich, Joseph A.J. The formation and growth of the Republican party.

Thesis RU (A.B.)

Merelo, J. The Federal Trade Comission's role in printed advertising.

Thesis RU (B.A.)

Ploscowe, Arthur W. The group theater and its influence on contemporary American theater.

Thesis RU (B.A.)

Savitsky, Ira H. History and trends of the juvinile court movement.

Thesis RU (B.A.)

Leach, William Riley. Quaker thought and abolitionism.

Thesis RU (B.A.)

Boyle, Ruth Colonna. The preparation, duties and certification of public school personnel workers in New Jersey.

Thesis RU (Ed. D.)

Lewis, Frank Herbert. New jersey secondary school teacher load.

Thesis RU (Ed. D.)

Flury, Ablett H. The New Jersey high school principal. His duties, responsibilities and rights as fixed by law and custom.

Thesis RU (Ed. D.)

Spitz, Thomas A. The evolution of the functions of the country superintendants of schools in New Jersey.

Thesis RU (Ed. D.)

Phillips, Thomas Edward. A study of the non-technical preparation of 100 librarians in the accredited schools of New Jersey

Thesis RU (Ed.D.)

Farley, Eugene joseph. Role of the counselor in selected junior high schools of new jersey as percieved by counselors. Principals, teachers and students.

Thesis RU (Ed.D.); Abstracted in Dissertation absracts

Thompson, Marion Jones. The imagery in Fielding's Tom Jones in relation to Fielding's education and life experiences and the possible purposes for which he employed imagery.

Thesis RU (M.A.)

Arya, Gosah. A study of Thailand's economy: the impact of international trade on economic development.

Thesis RU (M.A.)

Hughey, Ann Hansen. At what age should children begin to read?

Thesis RU (M.Ed.)

Cotovsky, Ethel, et al. Principles of group work practice in teen-age groups: a study of sixty workers' responses to ten situations.

Thesis RU (M.S.W.)

Jones, Doris I. The effect of micro-organisms and antibiotic substances upon viruses.

Thesis RU (M.Sc.)

Gill, Harold Edward. A stratigraphic analysis of a portion of the Matawan group.

Thesis RU (M.Sc.)

Hellerman, Joan. A study of the diatoms of Monok Lake, New York, and vicinity.

Thesis RU (M.Sc.)

Glazer, Penina Migdal. Decade of transition: a study of radical journals of the 1940s

Thesis RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Handen, Ella F. Neutrality legistation and presidential discretion; a study of the 1930s

Thesis RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Yogman, Harvey J. Group guidance practices in selected New Jersey senior high schools

Thesis RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Sturm, Edward. Mineralogy and petrology of the Newark group sediments of New Jersey

Thesis RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Shank, Russell, 1925-. Physical science and engineering societies in the United States as publishers, 1939-1964

Thesis, Non-RU

Qasimi, Abdus Subbuh, 1917-. A code for cataloging materials published in Urdu, Pushto and Panjabi

Thesis, Non-RU

Harrington, John Henry. The production and distribution of books in western Europe to the year 1500

Thesis, Non-RU

Bose, Anindya. Information system design methodology based on PERT/CPM networking and optimization techniques

Thesis, Non-RU

Boyce, Bert Roy. A literature filter of variable permeability

Thesis, Non-RU

Lange, Clifford Elmer. Communication behavior and interpersonal coorientation between public library directors and their board members

Thesis, Non-RU

Maurstad, Betty Louise. Concerning structural properties in the literature of the art historian- a bibliometric study

Thesis, Non-RU

Williams, James Griffith. An investigation of a model for a generalized information retrieval programming system

Thesis, Non-RU

Wright, Kieth Carter. Computer-assisted analysis of a large corpus of current educational report vocabulary

Thesis, Non-RU

Busha, Charles Henry. The attitudes of midwestern public librarians toward intellectual freedom and censorship

Thesis, Non-RU

Baughman, James Carroll. A model for establishing a curriculum and its core literature source.

Thesis, Non-RU

Goheen, Patricia Ann. A method for increasing the efficiency of instruction

Thesis, Non-RU

Cooper, Michael David. Evaluation of information retrieval systems: a simulation and cost approach

Thesis, Non-RU

Ebrami, Hooshang. Catchword indexing, subject headings and chain indexing; the formulation of rules for subject analysis in Farsi.

Thesis, Non-RU

Fidoten, Robert Earl. An organizational analysis of the impact of computers and automation on the management of Engineering Index, Inc., a case study

Thesis, Non-RU

Head, John William. The effect of bibliographic format and content on subject retrieval: a comparative study of four cataloging styles

Thesis, Non-RU

Immroth, John Phillip. An analysis of vocabulary control in Library of Congress classification, indexes and subject headings and the formulation of rules for chain indexing of Library of Congress classification

Thesis, Non-RU

Lamb, Gertrude Houser. The coincidence of quality and quantity in the literature of mathematics

Thesis, Non-RU

Holzberlein, Deanne Bassler. The contribution of school media programs to elementary and secondary education as portrayed in professional journals available to school administrators from 1960 to 1969

Thesis, Non-RU

Kanasy, James Emery. Citation characteristics and bibliographic control of the literature of microbiology

Thesis, Non-RU

Schlachter, Gail Ann. Professional librarians' attitudes toward professional and employee associations as revealed by academic librarians in seven midwestern states

Thesis, Non-RU

Wilson, Pauline Christine. Information-seeking activity of selected members of community groups seeking social change

Thesis, Non-RU

Duncan, Elizabeth E. Development of a decision model for acquisition of current periodical titles based on usage of periodical literature by chemical personnel

Thesis, Non-RU

Groark, James John. Utilization of library resources by students in selected non-residential degree programs: implications for educational administrators

Thesis, Non-RU

McAllister, Jeanne Ployhart. The transition of a library into an instructional media center

Thesis, Non-RU

Clarke, Polly Stotts. Reading interests and preferences of Indian, Black, and white high school students

Thesis, Non-RU

Hafner, Arthur Wayne. Characteristics of the serial research literature of physiology during the period of 1970-1972

Thesis, Non-RU

Moore, Jane Elizabeth Ross. Information and the urban dweller: a study of an information delivery system

Thesis, Non-RU