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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Sort ascending Description
Bose, Anindya. Information system design methodology based on PERT/CPM networking and optimization techniques

Thesis, Non-RU

Bole, Robert D. The development of financial support for public schools in New Jersey

Thesis non-RU, abstracted in Dissertation abstracts. Microfilm copy of typescript

Boaz, Martha Terosse. A qualitative analysis of the criticism of best sellers; a study of the reviews and reviewers of best selling books from 1944 to 1953

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Blazek, Ronald David. Teacher utilization of non-required library materials in mathematics and the effects of pupil use.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Blank, Catherine Mary. A critical analysis of the value of summer reading projects for children.

Thesis Non-RU

Bishop, Martha Dell. Identification of valuable learning experiences in centralized elementary school libraries.

Thesis Non-RU

Binder, Louis Richard. The negro in Paterson, a study in leadership?

Thesis non-RU

Bierstedt, Robert. The culture concept: a methodological problem.

Thesis Non-RU

Biblioteca Nacional (Spain). Catálogo general de libros impresos

Contents: [1]. Hasta 1981(4408 fiches) -- [2]. 1982-1987(369 fiches)

Bibliography of publications on UNESCO / Division of the UNESCO Library, Archives and Documentation Services = Bibliographie des publications sur l'Unesco / Division de la bibliothèque de l'Unesco, des archives et des services de documentation.

Not available.

Bialer, Seweryn. Soviet political elite: concept, sample, case study.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Beuken, Clemens Louis. Warmeverluste bei periodisch betriebene elektrischen Ofen: eine neue Methode zur vorausbestimmung nicht-stationarer warmestro-mungen

Thesis non-RU

Berwick, Donald Maurice. The reputation of Jonathan Swift, 1781-1882.

Thesis non-RU

Berle, Adolph Augustus, 1895-1971: The Diary of Adolph A. Berle

Berle held many positions during his life, including corporate law professor at Columbia University, adviser to New York City mayor LaGuardia, Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs, and Ambassador to Brazil.

Bentley, Richard 1854-1936: Lists of publications of Richard Bentley and son 1829-1898

Series: The archives of British publishers on microfilm.

Bennett, Wilma. A plan for regional administration of school library service in Indiana.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Belz, Herman Julius. Reconstructing the Union: conflicts of theory and policy during the Civil War

Thesis non-RU

Belgium. Institut National de Statistique. Recensement de la population, 31 december 1961. [Census of the population]

Part of Western European Census Reports

Belgium. Institut National de Statistique. Annuaire statistique de la Belgique. 1870-1962 [Annual statistics]

Part of Foreign Statistical Yearbooks collection. 1880, 1893, 1894 not received.

Beckett, Charles Campbell. The New Jersey Urban League, 1917-1940.

Not available.

Becker, Joseph. Short run methods of catalog card duplication

Dissertation non-RU

Becker, Eugene Matthew. Whistler and the aesthetic movement.

Thesis non-RU

Beamish, Robert Lalonde. The personified abstraction in Middle High German lyric poetry

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Baxter, Glen Williams. Hua Chien Chi, songs of tenth-century China: a study of the first Tz'u anthology.

Thesis non-RU

Baughman, James Carroll. A model for establishing a curriculum and its core literature source.

Thesis, Non-RU

Batchelor, Lillian Lewis. The improvement of the school library system in Philadelphia secondary schools, a report of a type B project.

Thesis non-RU; Microfilmed with: Kaye, Bernard William. The role of the principal in relation to library service in public elementary schools. 1951.

Barr, William M. George L. Record

Thesis non-RU

Barnett, Claude A. The Claude A. Barnett papers: The Associated Negro Press, 1918-1967 (Part three: Subject Files on Black Americans)

Princeton has Pts. 1, 2, and the Agriculture, Colleges, Economic Conditions, and Entertainers, Artists, and Authors sections of Pt. 3. The sections ALEXANDER owns include correspondence, news clippings, and other items dealing with the National Council of Negro Women, the National Association…

Bardwell, Roger Willis. Differences in perception of citizens and teachers about educational issues.

Thesis non-RU

Banning, Lance Gilbert. The quarrel with Federalism: a study in the origins and character of Republican thought

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Baker, G.E. America's rotten boroughs: urban under-representation in state legislatures

Dissertation non-RU

Bahl, Roy W. Forecasting municipal revenues and expenditures: a primer and handbook

National Technical Information Service (PB82-144528)

Axhausen, Kate. Die Theorien uber den Ursprung der provenzalischen Lyrik.

Thesis non-RU

Austrian State Archives 1848-1918. Prussian files

Austria. Staatsarchiv

Austria. Statistisches Zentralamt. Volkszahlungsergebnisse 1961. [Results of the population census]

Part of Western European Census Reports

Austria. Statistische Zentralkommission. Osterreichisches statistisches handbuch 1882-1917. [Statistics]

Part of Foreign Statistical Yearbooks collection.

Austria. Statistische Zentralamt. Statistisches handbuch fur die Republik Osterreich 1920-1938, 1950-1965. [Statistical handbook]

Part of Foreign Statistical Yearbooks collection.

Australia. National Population Inquiry. Population and Australia: a demographic analysis and projections: report.

Not available.

Au, Chih-Chun Tien. American impact on modern Chinese library development.

Thesis Non-RU

Atkins, William Harry. The training of personnel workers for secondary schools

Microfilm copy of typescript; Dissertation RU

Atarelli, Carlo C. History and present conditions of the Italian colony at Paterson, N.J.

Thesis non-RU

Aschewald, Howard Bernard. Some relationshiops between cognitive verbal behavior and student cognitive verbal response in secondary school social studies classes.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Asbury Park High School Yearbooks

Reel 1. 1935-1951 -- reel 2. 1952-1964 -- reel 3. 1965-1972 reel 4. 1973-1980 -- reel 5. 1981-1988 -- reel 6. 1989-1995.

Arya, Gosah. A study of Thailand's economy: the impact of international trade on economic development.

Thesis RU (M.A.)

Arthur, Bettie. Comparison of the psychological test performance of brain damaged and normal children in the mental age range from five to six.

Thesis non-RU; Dissertation abstract

Arnsdorf, Val Earl. An investigation of teaching chronology in the sixth grade.

Thesis non-RU

Armstrong, Charles Wesley. Role of information resources in national development: a descriptive study and analysis of library resources in West Africa…1971.

abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Armstrong, Charles Wesley. Role of information resources in national development: a descriptive study and analysis of library resources in West Africa.

Thesis non-RU

Armitage, James Herbert. Analysis of citizenship goals in social studies instruction.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Argentina. Direccion Nacional de Estadistica y Censo. Anuario estadistico, 1944-1950, 1957. [Annual statistics]

1951-1956 not published