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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Sort ascending Description
FBI file: Abbie Hoffman [FBI file on Abbott H. (Abbie) Hoffman]

Includes memos, reports, interview transcripts, newspaper clippings, and teletypes. Includes material relating to the 1968 Democratic National Convention, the Black Panthers, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Socialist Workers Party, and the Youth International Party.

FBI file, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Reel 1. Reel guide, section 1-8 -- reel 2. section 9-19

FBI file, MIBURN (Mississippi Burning): the investigation of the murders of Michael Henry Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Earl Chaney, June 21, 1964.

Not available.

FBI file on W.E.B. Du Bois [FBI file on W.E.B. DuBois]

Not available.

FBI file on Thurgood Marshall

Not available.

FBI file on the Reverend Jesse Jackson

Not available.

FBI file on the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) = FBI file on the communist infiltration of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

The file spans the years from 1941 to 1957.

FBI File on Paul Robeson

Not available.

FBI file on Eleanor Roosevelt

Not available.

FBI file on Albert Einstein

Not available.

FBI file on A. Philip Randolph

Not available.

Faunce, Roland Cleo. An examination and analysis of core programs in certain Michigan secondary schools from 1937 to 1947.

Thesis non-RU

Fasick, Adele Mongan. A comparitive linguistic analysis of books and television for children…1970.

abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Fasick, Adele Mongan. A comparitive linguistic analysis of books and television for children.

Thesis non-RU

Farley, Eugene joseph. Role of the counselor in selected junior high schools of new jersey as percieved by counselors. Principals, teachers and students.

Thesis RU (Ed.D.); Abstracted in Dissertation absracts

Evans, Gayle Edward. The influence of book selection agents upon book collection usage in academic libraries.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Evans, Charles Whitney. The attitudes of adults toward the public library, and their relationship to library use.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Eshleman, Barbara. An exploratory investigation of causes of insomnia in continued treatment of psychiatric patients.

Thesis RU

Ersted, Ruth. The education of school librarians

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Ernst, Joseph Albert. Currency in the era of the American Revolution: a history of colonial paper money practices and British monetary policies, 1764-1781.

Thesis Non-RU

Erfft, Kenneth, Reynders. Thomas Edward Brown's narrative poetry.

Thesis Non-RU

Emma Goldman Papers

Correspondence, writings, and government documents related to the life of Emma Goldman (1869-1940).

Emil Julius Gumbel Collection: political papers of an anti-nazi scholar in Weimar and exile 1914-66

Filmed from the holdings of the Leo Baeck Institute, NYC

Elmgran, G. Theodore. The relation of the vocational goals and aptitudes of junior college technical students to employment requirements

thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Ellenburg, Martha Ann. Reconstruction in Arkansas.

Thesis non-RU

Educational Alliance (New York, N.Y.). Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors of the Educational Alliance (Minutes of the Board of Trustees, the Educational Alliance, 1879-1980)

Contains minutes of the Board of Trustees, annual reports, and minutes of committees. There are no minutes for 1891 through November 1898. The next minutes are dated December 12, 1898. There are no additional gaps through 1980.

Ebrami, Hooshang. Catchword indexing, subject headings and chain indexing; the formulation of rules for subject analysis in Farsi.

Thesis, Non-RU

Eakin, Mary Katherine. The reading of books from publisher's reprint series by children in the elementary grades.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.); "300 reprint title, with names of authors and series in which each title appears"

Dvorin, Eugene P. The Central African federation: a political analysis.

Thesis non-RU

Dutky, Samson Robert. Investigation of the diseases of the immature stages of the Japanese beetle

Thesis RU

Duncan, Elizabeth E. Development of a decision model for acquisition of current periodical titles based on usage of periodical literature by chemical personnel

Thesis, Non-RU

Duncan, Cynthia Beryl. An analysis of tasks performed by reference personnel in college and university libraries in Indiana

Thesis, Non-RU

Duke University. Library. Manuscript Department. Socialist Party of America Papers, 1897-1963 & 1919-1976, addendum

The papers contain correspondence, minutes of committee meetings and proceedings of conventions, financial records, court records, copies of speeches, press releases, organizers' reports, lists, photographs, broadsides, leaflets, pamphlets, books, and serials. [Ser. 1. National office…

Dubanowich, Joseph A.J. The formation and growth of the Republican party.

Thesis RU (A.B.)

Dowell, Jack Dudley. The legislative process in the West German Bundestag: the codetermination law of May, 1951

Microfilm of typescript; Thesis non-RU

Douglass, Malcolm Paul. Interrelationships between man and the natural environment for use in the geographic strand of social studies curriculum.

Thesis non-RU

Donohuge, Joseph Chaminade. A method for the analysis of a subject literature.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Dixon, James Lynnewood. The courts and the private schools in the Middle Atlantic states

Microfilm copy of typescript; Dissertation RU

Dixon, James Lynnewood, 1901-. The courts and the private schools in the Middle Atlantic states

Thesis RU

Dixon, D. Genevieve. Individual patterns in reading development.

Thesis Non-RU

Dickens, William Byrom. A guide to the American political novel, 1865-1910

Microfilm copy of typescript. Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts. "A digest of the eighty-four American novels classified as political for the period of 1865-1910…constitutes the bulk of the thesis."

Denmark. Statistiske Department. Statistisk Arbog. [Statistical yearbook] 1896-1965.

Part of Foreign Statistical Yearbooks collection. 1945 not received.

Denmark. Statistiske Department. Gronland. Folketaellingen 1960. Aegteskaber, fodte og dode, 1952-60. [Greenland. Population census. Marital status, births, and deaths]

Part of Western European Census Reports

Denmark. Statistiske Department. Folke- og boligtaellingen 26. september 1960. [Population and housing census]

Part of Western European Census Reports

Denmark. Statistiske Department. Faeroerne. Folketaellingen 1960. Aegteskaber, fodete og dode, 1946-60. [Faroe Islands. Population census. Marital status, births and deaths.]

Part of Western European Census Reports

Deligdisch, Yekutiel. The reading comprehension of adult new readers in relation to their ethnic backgrounds.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Delaware & Raritan Canal Agreements, 1874-1940

Contains records involving the Delaware & Raritan canal.
Consists of canal related agreements entered into the Pennsylvania Railroad as lessee from 1874-1934 in which year the canal was taken over by the state of New Jersey.

DeLaney, Moses Nathaniel. The interaction between Protestant churches and their social environment in the inner city

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

DeEzcurdia, Manuel. La aparicion del grupo "contemporaneos" en la poesia y en la critica mexicanas

Thesis non-RU

Declassified Documents Reference System

Records and reports of cabinet meetings, National Security Council policy statements, CIA intelligence studies, Presidential conferences, State Department political analyses, and Joint Chiefs of Staff papers. - Available online as US Declassified Documents Online -…