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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Sort descending Description
University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Library. Nigerian pamphlets, 1844-1949

Assassination story, true or false / Nnamdi Azikiwe -- As youth sees it / Kola Balogun -- Home rule now / Kola Balogun -- A precedent for future regrets: shall we Nigerians let this be / Kolawole Balogun -- The congress movement and Mr. Herbert Macaulay / Patriach J.C. Campbell -- Why is The…

Urban Documents Microfiche Collection

Not available.

USSR. Central Statistical Administration. Narodnoe Khozyistvo SSSR 1956-1965. (Annual statistical abstract, also including comparative figures for the years 1913, 1928 and 1940, pre-Revolutionary and pre-War years.

Part of Foreign Statistical Yearbooks collection.

USSR. Central Statistical Administration. Promishlenost SSSR 1957, 1964. (Industry of the USSR- a statistical survey).

Part of Foreign Statistical Yearbooks collection.

Valentine, H. Stuart, Jr. Suggested procedure for common stock control in trust accounts.

Thesis Non-RU

Van Hoogstrate, Dorothy Jane, 1924-. American foreign policy; realists and idealists: a Catholic interpretation of the Great Debate.

Thesis Non-RU

Van Pelt, Charles S., Jr. Merchandising for savings banks.

Thesis Non-RU

Van Til, William. A social living curriculum for post-war secondary education: an approach to curriculum development through centers of experience derived from the interaction of values, social realities, and needs.

Thesis non-RU

Vance, Kenneth E. The professional status of school librarians in Michigan public secondary schools enrolling 500 or more students.

Thesis non-RU (Ed. D.)

Vaughn, William Preston. The sectional conflict in southern public education, 1865-1876

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts. A duplicate of this title is located with the other duplicates with the Negative Microfilms.

Vecoli, Rudolph John. Chicago's Italians prior to World War I: a study of their social and economic adjustment

Thesis non-RU, abstracted in Dissertation abstracts

Vincent, Donald Edward perry. A study of administrative style in five university libraries and its reflection in staff…1974.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Virginia. State Planning and Community Affairs Division. Data summary. 1968-1976.

Part of Statistical Abstracts collection

Vulgamore, Melvin L. Social reforms in the theology of Charles Grandison Finney.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Walkom, Thomas L. 1950- The Daily Newspaper Industry in Ontario's developing capitalistic economy.

Not available.

War on poverty, 1964-1968 [The Presidential documents series]

pt. 1. The White House central files (16 reels) -- pt. 2. Records of the President's National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty, 1966-1967 (25 reels).

Warner, John Ellsworth. The role of the librarian as a co-worker in guidance from the viewpoint of the guidance worker.

Thesis Non-RU

Watson, Jerry J. A study of adults' reactions to contemporary junior novels reflecting adolescents' interest in reading about aspects of peer and non-peer relationships.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Weaver, Valerie Whittemore. The Civil Rights Act of 1875: reactions and enforcement

Thesis non-RU

Weinberg, William M. A administrative history of New Jersey State Board of Mediation

Thesis non-RU

Weinberg, William Martin. An administrative history of the New Jersey State Board of Mediation

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Welsh. Helen C.. Library facilities of secondary schools giving service to vocational pupils

Thesis non-RU

Welt, Elizabeth. Friedrich Nietzsche's literary criticism and its European background

Thesis non-RU

Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. Methodist Missionary Society archives

Minutes, reports and correspondence in mss. and typescript of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society and the Primitive Methodist Missionary Society, which merged with the United Methodist Missionary Society in 1932 to form the Methodist Missionary Society. Contents: Introduction -- Wesleyan…

Westmoreland, Gen. William. Westmoreland v. CBS

Records of the 1984 libel trial of Westmoreland v. CBS.

Whalen, Mary Lucille. Theological literature used in Catholic and Protestant doctoral research in theology

Thesis, Non-RU

What Women Wrote: Scenarios, 1912-1929 Cinema History Microfilm Series

Not available.

Wheatcroft, John Stewart. Emily Dickinson and the orthodox tradition.

Thesis RU

Wheeler, Gerald Everett. Hiram R. Revels, Negro educator and statesman.

Thesis non-RU; includes bibliographical footnotes

White, Ruth M. A report on how well the public library branch located in the school serves the adult

Thesis non-RU

Whittingham, Harry E. A study of the installation of semi-automatic electronic bookkeeping equipment with consideration of the magnetic ink character recognition program.

Thesis Non-RU

Widem, Barbara Davis. The state library extension agency and services to children

Thesis non-RU

Wilkie, Florence. Early printing in Ohio, 1793-1820. With a checklist of Ohio imprints for that period.

Thesis non-RU

Will Hays Papers (Hayes)

Cinema history

Willes, Paul Stephen. Factors for differentiating students who read extensively for personal use from those of equal ability who do not.

Thesis Non-RU

Williams, Burton John. John James Ingalls: a personal portrait of a public figure.

Thesis non-RU

Williams, Carol Ann Traynor. The necessary ripple: the art of Vladimir Nabokov

Thesis non-RU; absracted in dissertation abstracts

Williams, James Griffith. An investigation of a model for a generalized information retrieval programming system

Thesis, Non-RU

Williams, James N. Guidance needs of negro youth in Montclair: a report of a survey of negro youth in Montclair, New Jersey, and of the present guidance activities, opportunities and needs.

Thesis Non-RU

Wilson, Godfrey and Monica Hunter. Study of African society

Rhodes-Livingstone Papers

Wilson, Godfrey. Constitution of Ngonde

Rhodes-Livingstone Papers

Wilson, Godfrey. Essay on the economics of detribalization in Northern Rhodesia

Rhodes-Livingstone Papers

Wilson, Godfrey. Land rights of individuals among the Nyakyusa

Rhodes-Livingstone Papers

Wilson, Pauline Christine. Information-seeking activity of selected members of community groups seeking social change

Thesis, Non-RU

Winters, Elmer Arthur. Harold Rugg and education for social reconstruction.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Winters, Lee Eugene. The relationship of Chinese poetry to British and American poetry of the twentiteth century, through the translations of Giles, Pound, Waley Lowell, and Bynner.

Thesis non-RU

Wirth, John Davis. Brazilian economic nationalism: trade and steel under Vargas

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Wisconsin. Census. 1836. 1838. 1842. 1846. 1847. 1855. 1865. 1875. 1885. 1895. 1905. (State Censuses)

Part of larger State Censuses collection

Wisconsin. Planning Bureau. Wisconsin statistical abstract. 1969, 1972, 1974.

Part of Statistical Abstracts collection

Wold, Kenneth Manvil. Practices employed in selecting students for technical curricula and their relation to the student completion rate

thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts