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Microforms content relating to the 17th or 18th centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 17th and 18th centuries, 1601 to 1800. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1 - 50 of 108 record(s)
Author/Title Sort descending Description
A mirrour for Martinists, and all other schismatiques

On reel with above are: (2) A commission sente to the Pope, Cardynales, bishops, Friers, Monkes…1586. (3) A commyssion sent to the bloody butcher, byshop of London by Athanas, the deuil of Hell. (4) The beehiue of the romishe churche. A worke of al good Catholikes too bee read.

Abstracts of Jamaica wills, 1625-1792, in the British Museum (British records relating to America in microform)

This is a collection of 312 abstracts of wills of English colonists or property holders in Jamaica during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Afro-American History Series

Set of some 51 documents; includes sermons, orations, narratives, and other primary source materials published between 1792 and 1899. Most are pre-Civil War. Some are also available in paper copy and are listed in IRIS under this series.

American Culture Series, 1493-1875: titles in the field of history (Early American Books and Pamphlets in the Field of History)

Materials in the field of history, published before 1875. No unpublished manuscripts or serial publications are included. Provides a wealth of materials on colonization, exploration, frontier life, travel, customs, utopian and reform movements, historiography, the Revolution and the Civil War…

American Culture Series: titles in the field of economics

This set contains materials in the field of economics published before 1875. No unpublished manuscripts or serial publications are included.

American Culture Series: titles in the field of sciences

reels 1-6, sect.1. Science, General -- reel 7, sect.2. Astronomy -- reels 8-11, sect. 3. Botany -- reels 12-16, sect.4. Chemistry -- reels 17-18, sect.5. Geography -- reels 19-24, sect.6. Geology -- reels 25-27, sect.7. Mathematics -- reels 28-38, sect.8. Medicine -- reels 39-41, sect.9. Physics…

American Periodical Series, (APS I, II, III)

These three series reproduce over 1100 periodicals of the 18th and 19th century. Available full-text online via the Indexes and Database page. - Now available as American Periodicals Series Online 1740-1900 at

American Women's Diaries: New England Women

Ruth Henshaw Bascom 1789-1846, Abigail Gardner Drew 1799-1817, Hannah Davis Gale 1837-1838, Sally Ripley 1799-1801 & 1805-1809, Martha Patty Rogers 1785, Susan EPB Forbes 1841-1908, Caroline Barrett White 1849-1915

American Women's Diaries: Southern Women

1. Ada W. Bacot. 2. Zillah (Haynie) Brandon. 3. Mary Davis (Brown) Brown. 4. Dolly Summer (Lunt) Burge. 5. Louisiana D. Burge. 6. Kate S. Carney. 7. Carolyn Elizabeth (Burgwin) Clitherall. 8. Louisa (Maxwell) Holmes Cocke. 9. Martha E. (Foster) Crawford. 10. Sarah Anne (Gayle) Crawford. 11. Kate…

American Women's Diaries: Western Women

Collection of 427 published and unpublished works by and about women in the Western U.S. during the 18th and 19th centuries, including: diaries; autobiographies; biographies; personal histories; transcriptions of oral interviews; and transcriptions of Pioneer Personal History Questionnaires.

Antimartinus, sive monitio cuiusdam Londin ensi ad adolescentes vtriusque Academiae, contra…Martin Marprelate.

Not available.

Archives biographiques francaises.

Alphabetical collection of more than 180 important french biographical works published from the 17th to the 20th century.

Archivio biographica italiano: cumulativo di 321 repertori biografici fra i piau importanti a partire dal sec. XVII sino all'inizio del sec. XX.

Not available.

Archivo biografico de Espana, Portugal e Iberoamerica: una compilacion de 300 obras biograficas, las mas importantes y representativas, editadas entre el siglo XVII y los inicios del siglo XX

Text of microfiche in Spanish and Portugese; text of manual in Spanish, Portugese, English and German.

Arrianus, Flavius. Arriani. Tactica & Mauriccii Arie militari Liber dvodecim omnia, nunquam ante publicata Graecae primus edit, versione Latine notisque illustrat. Johannes Schefferus. Upsaliae, Excudit Henricus Curio & Academia Upsaliensis Bibliopola, 1664.

Not available.

Berni, Francesco, 1497 or 8-1535. Orlando innamorato, nuouamente composto da M.F. Berni. Composto gia dal S. Matteo Maria Boiardo, conte di Scandiano, & rifatto tutto di nuouo da M.F. Berni.

Not available.

Boyd-Bowman, Peter. Lexico Hispanoamericano del siglo XVII

Series: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.

Boyd-Bowman, Peter. Lexico Hispanoamericano del siglo XVIII

Series: Spanish Series (Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies) no. 5.

Burr, Aaron. The papers of Aaron Burr, 1756-1836.

Series 1. Correspondence. Reels 1-11 -- Series 2. Orderly books & journals. Reel 12 -- Series 3. Legal papers. Reels 13-27.

Cambridge South Asian archive: records of the British period in South Asia relating to India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma, Nepal and Afghanistan held in the Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge

Pre-1760 - 1970+

Canada. Public Archives. Documents relating to the Constitutional History of Canada: 1759-1828. Selected and edited with notes by Adam Shortt, Arthur G. Doughty, D.A. McArthur, and Norah Story.

Constitutional documents.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. Here begynneth the boke of Troylus and Creseyde, newly printed by a trewe copye…Here begynneth the boke of Fame, made by Geffray Chaucer: with dyvers others of his workes. The assemble of foules. This boke called la bele Dame sauns mercy was translate out of French, by G. Chaucer. Moral prouerbes. The complaynt of Mary Magdaleyne. The letter of Dydo to Eneas. A Lytell exortacion how folke shulde behave them selfe in all companyes.

Not available.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. Here begynneth the boke of Troylus and Creseyde…[1526?]

Also on film: Here begynneth the boke of the Canterbury Tales, dilygently and truly corrected/and newly printed. Prologe. The knightes tale. The myllers prolouge and tale. The reues tale. Cokes tale. The man of lawes tale. The marchauntes tale. The Squiers tale. The frankeleyns tale.…

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The workes of Geffrey Chaucer newly printed with dyuers workes whiche were never in print before…[Edited by William Thynne. The preface by Sir Brian Tuke. London, Thomas Godfray, 1532]

Not available.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The works of Geoffrey Chaucer, comared with the former additions, and many valuable mss. Out of which, three tales are added which were never before printed; by John Urry, student of Christ-Church, Oxen. deceased: together with a glossary by a student of the same college. To the whole is prefixed the author's life, newly written, and a preface, giving an account of this edition.

Not available.

Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organizacíon de las antiguas posesiónes espa~nola de ultramar [Segunda serie]

Not available.

Colección de documentos inéditos, relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones españolas de América y Oceanía sacados de los archivos del reino, y muy especialmente del de Indias : competentemente autorizada.

The collection was for the greater part published without any preconceived plan as to arranging the documents either systematically or chronologically. With v. 36 a chronological arrangement was begun, but was not consistently carried out. The extreme dates of the period covered by the documents…

Colonial-Hispanic legal documents (18th-19th centuries)

Reel 1. [Introduction and contents], index cards for all jurisdictions -- Reel 2. Colombia : Laws & statues (Documents 1-97) -- Reel 3. Colombia : Law & statues (Documents 1-22) -- Reel 4. Colombia : Miscellaneous (Documents 1-4) -- Reel 5. Mexico : Laws & statues (Documents 1-230…

Condition Ouvriere (The condition of the 19th century French working class)

Vol. 1 contains 19th century French books on the working classes. Vol. 2 includes books from the 16th to the 20th centuries.

Diplomatic correspondence of British ministers to the Russian Court at St. Petersburg, 1704-1776

Microfiche of v.12, 19, 39, 50, 61, 66, 76, 80, 85, 91, 99, 102-103, 110, and 148 of the Sbornik of the Russkoe istorischeskoe obshchestvo.

Dumont, Jean, baron de Carlscroon, 1660-1726. Corps universal diplomatique du droit des gens contenant un recueil des traites d'alliance. (Main work and supplement)

Anthology of treaties, pacts, alliances and other contracts passed in Europe after the reign of charlemagne up until the present.

Dutch Pamphlets ca. 1486-1648

A microfiche edition of the pamphlets in the Royal Library in The Hague, Netherlands.

Early American Imprints: 1639-1800 1st Series (Evans)

"The complete text of every book, pamphlet, and braodside published in the United States in the years 1639 through 1800." (publisher's brochure)

Early American Newspapers (1704-1820).

Individual titles cataloged separately.

Early British Periodicals (EBP)

Consists of more than 160 periodicals dealing with literature, philosophy, history, science, and fine arts, and the social sciences which were published primarily in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Early English Books: 1475-1640. (series One) (Pollard and Redgrave).

Printed materials published in the English language from 1475 to 1640. Also available full-text online via EEBO, Early English Books Online. - Now available as EEBO - Early English Books Online at http://www.libraries.…

Early English Books: 1641-1700. (Series II) (Wing) Wing, Donald Z. G. A Short-Title Catalogue of books Printed in England Scotland, Ireland, Wales and British America... 1641-1700

Printed materials published in the English language from 1641-1700. Also available full-text online via EEBO, Early English Books Online. - Now available as EEBO - Early English Books Online at http://www.libraries.rutgers.…

Eighteenth Century.

"Upon completion, the microfilm collection will contain approx. 200,000 publications and will represent works printed from 1701-1800 in the British Empire, or printed in English anywhere else in the world."Publisher's catalog) - Now available as Eighteenth Century Collections…

English Literary Periodicals 1681-1900

Includes most English periodicals published until 1800, while focusing primarily on literary periodicals for the years 1800-1900.

France. Archives parlementaires de 1787 a 1860. Recueil complet des debats legislatifs et politique des Chambres Francaises.

Serie I, vols. 1-82, 1787-1794 Serie II, vols. 1-106, 1800-1837. Guide - France, Bibliothe'que nationale catalogue general des livres imprimis de la Bibliothique nationale

France. Parlement. Histoire parlementarie de la revolution francaise 1789-1815

Not available.

Gale-Morant papers, 1731-1925: in the Library University of Exeter (British records relating to America in microform)

Section 1. General correspondence of William Gale -- Section 2. Documents relating to William Gale's will -- Section 3. Papers relating to York Plantation and Gale's Valley Plantation -- Section 4. Papers relating to Mount Hindmost Estate and St. Jago and Paisley Pens -- Section 5.…

Gallatin Albert 1761-1849 The papers of Albert Gallatin 1761-1880

Not available.

Great Britain. Court of Star Chamber. Star Chamber and English Society in the Reign of James I

Selection assembled by the Public Record Office in London from original documents held by that office.

Great Britain. House of Commons. Debates of the House of Commons, from 10 October 1667-26 April 1694. (Grey's Debates)

Collected by Anichitell Grey. 10 vols. London, 1763.

Great Britain. House of Commons. Journals. Vol. 1-230. 1547-1900, 1901-1938/39, 1939/40-1974. [Journals of the House of Commons]

Not available.

Great Britain. House of Commons. Reports from committees of the House of Commons 1715-1801 printed but not inserted in the Journals of the House. (First Series)

Not available.

Great Britain. House of Commons. Sessional Papers. [Parliamentary Papers] 1731-1877/78.

For the years 1978/79 on, see "Great Britain. House of Commons. Parliamentary Papers."

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Sessional Papers. [1731-1800]

Essentially this is the Abbot Collection. Assembled through the initiative of Charles Abbot, Speaker of the House of Commons (1802-1817) and published in 1807. The collection is weak for the years before 1760 and many important items are missing from the second half of the century as well.

Great Britain. Public Record Office. British headquarters (Sir Guy Carleton papers (1777-1783))

The papers consist chiefly of the correspondence of Sir Guy Carleton, but contain also copies of letters received, and sent, by previous Commanders-in-chief of the British Army in America, Sir William Howe and Sir Henry. Reels 1 and 2 are a copy of a calendar of the papers: Great Britain.…