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- This inventory includes a substantial portion of the microfilm, microfiche, microprint, and microcard collections of manuscripts, pamphlets, government publications, etc. held at Alexander Library. It also includes selected holdings for other Rutgers libraries. The list is being updated and added to on a continuing basis, but additional titles may also be found in the QuickSearch and in the Government Publications Card Catalog.
- Periodical collections, like the American Periodical Series, are included, but the individual titles within those collections are not listed.
- Each entry includes information about the location and extent of the series, the availability of guides, and in some cases, a description of the collection.
- To find additional information about the subject area covered by a collection, please look for the complete bibliographic record in the QuickSearch.
- You may view the complete list or search by any word, phrase or partial string. The complete list is arranged alphabetically, generally by main entry; the main entry is often the title of the microform, but is sometimes the author or issuing agency.