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Displaying: 301 - 400 of 1703 record(s)
Author/Title Description Sort ascending Type
Jordan, David Crichton. Argentina's nationalist movements and the political parties (1930-1963); a study of conflict.

Thesis Non-RU

Amyet, Jacques, 1920-. The Chinese community of Manila: a study of adaptation of Chinese familism to the Philippine environment.

Thesis Non-RU

Norwood, Alberta S. Negro welfare work in Philadelphia, especially as illustrated by the career of William Still. 1775-1930.

Thesis Non-RU

Higgs, Florence A. Symons. Integration problems in certain schools in Mercer County, N.J.

Thesis Non-RU

20TH, NJ
Zimmer, Anne Young. "Minutes" of Elisha Parker, 1748-1750, economic mirror of a transition period.

Thesis Non-RU

Pole, Jack Richon. The reform of suffrage and representation in New Jersey, 1774-1844.

Thesis Non-RU

20TH, NJ
Henderson, Herbert James. Political factions in the Continental Congress, 1774-1783.

Thesis Non-RU

Calhoon, Robert McCluer. Critics of colonial resistance in the pre-Revolutionary debate, 1763-1776.

Thesis Non-RU

Ernst, Joseph Albert. Currency in the era of the American Revolution: a history of colonial paper money practices and British monetary policies, 1764-1781.

Thesis Non-RU

Kenney, Alice Patricia. The Gansevoorts of Albany and Anglo-Dutch relations in the upper Hudson Valley, 1664-1790.

Thesis Non-RU

Bierstedt, Robert. The culture concept: a methodological problem.

Thesis Non-RU

Williams, James N. Guidance needs of negro youth in Montclair: a report of a survey of negro youth in Montclair, New Jersey, and of the present guidance activities, opportunities and needs.

Thesis Non-RU

20TH, NJ
Masterton, Elizabeth G. An evaluation of the school library in the reading program

Thesis non-RU

Lipscomb, Atalanta Brown. The status of the negro in New Jersey during the period 1763-1804.

Thesis Non-RU

20TH, NJ
Luetscher, George Daniel. Early political machinery in the United States.

Thesis Non-RU

Au, Chih-Chun Tien. American impact on modern Chinese library development.

Thesis Non-RU

Cross, Wilford Oakland, 1910-. The role and status of the unregenerate in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1629-1729.

Thesis Non-RU

Seager, Robert, 1924-. The progressives and American foreign policy, 1898-1917; an analysis of the attitudes of leaders of the progressive movement toward external affairs.

Thesis Non-RU

Stidfole, Hilda Welles. A survey of the occupations engaged in by negro men and women of Red Bank, New Jersey.

Thesis Non-RU

20TH, NJ
Muntz, Alfred Philip. The changing geography of the New Jersey woodlands, 1600-1900.

Thesis Non-RU

20TH, NJ
Anderson, Frank W. Automobile financing.

Thesis Non-RU

Anderson, William J. The safety of loans on underground oil.

Thesis Non-RU

Bowman, Francis B. Financing the stock broker.

Thesis Non-RU

Carlson, Oscar K. An investment policy for commercial banks and investment standards.

Thesis Non-RU

Cavanagh, Max. Term loans: policies and practices.

Thesis Non-RU

Crandall, Joseph E. Centralized accounting in a small branch banking system.

Thesis Non-RU

Davis, Carlisle R. Statement analysis.

Thesis Non-RU

Ford, James P. The changing role of the Federal Reserve system in monetary control.

Thesis Non-RU

Fries, Waldemar H. Liquidation and reorganization of New Jersey state banks, 1930-1936, by Waldemar H. Fries and Lindley S. Hurff.

Thesis Non-RU

20TH, NJ
Herron, John Abbott. A survey of the county bankers association activities and a suggested organizational program for the solution of rural banking problems.

Thesis Non-RU

Jacobs, Reginald R. Organization of the administrative division of a large personal trust department.

Thesis Non-RU

Keenan, Bennett R. Financing a leasing corporation.

Thesis Non-RU

McCann, John J. Banking on the air.

Thesis Non-RU

Mortenson, Byron L. The role of the Federal National Mortgage Association in GI home financing.

Thesis Non-RU

Olson, Harold G. Bank investment in a small business investment company under the small business investment act of 1958.

Thesis Non-RU

Peard, F Furnival. A historical study of trust service in Maryland.

Thesis Non-RU

Ramsay, Richard E. Financing the soybean processor.

Thesis Non-RU

Sogard, T L. A study of internal check and controls in bank operations.

Thesis Non-RU

Thuleen, Roland H. Bank loans to road contractors.

Thesis Non-RU

Truax, Franklin E. Make your proposed building program a sales tool.

Thesis Non-RU

Valentine, H. Stuart, Jr. Suggested procedure for common stock control in trust accounts.

Thesis Non-RU

Van Pelt, Charles S., Jr. Merchandising for savings banks.

Thesis Non-RU

Whittingham, Harry E. A study of the installation of semi-automatic electronic bookkeeping equipment with consideration of the magnetic ink character recognition program.

Thesis Non-RU

James, Gertrude R. Use of the public library agencies by students in grades four through eight of the Phoenix elementary schools, Phoenix, Arizona

Thesis non-RU

Nadell, Jill Barbara. Alexander and the Romans.

Thesis Non-RU

Wright, Mrs. Marion Manola (Thompson). A comparitive study of the efficiency of the public white and colored state school systems in sixteen states.

Thesis Non-RU

Christian, Howard Nathaniel. Samuel Cornish, pioneer negro journalist.

Thesis Non-RU

Janecek, Blanche Elsie. A comparison of the use made of the public library and the school library by elementary school students

Thesis non-RU

Connors, Richard J. The movement for constitutional revision in New Jersey, 1914-1947.

Thesis Non-RU

20TH, NJ
Sclotthaus, Werner. Das Spielphanomen und seine Erscheinunsweise in der Dichtung der Anakreontik.

Thesis Non-RU

Sontgerath, Alfred Michail. Das Weiter leben des 18. Jahrhunderts in der Lyrik der Biedermeirzeit.

Thesis Non-RU

Huber, Gerhard. Platons dialektische Ideenlehre, nach den zweiten Teil des "Parmenides".

Thesis Non-RU

Main, Marjorie White. Selected aspects of the beginning phase of social group work.

Thesis Non-RU

Hartford, Margaret I. The social group worker and group formation.

Thesis Non-RU

Marchand, Charles Roland. The ultimate reform: world peace in America thought during the progressive era.

Thesis Non-RU

Meisel, Jacqueline C. Architectural survey of representative domestic structures pre-dating 1810 in Gloucester Co., N.J., 1963.

Thesis Non-RU

20TH, NJ
Churchill, Charles Wesley. The Italians of Newark, a community study.

Thesis non-RU

20TH, NJ
Barr, William M. George L. Record

Thesis non-RU

Welt, Elizabeth. Friedrich Nietzsche's literary criticism and its European background

Thesis non-RU

Anderson, Evelyn J.. An analytical study os some reviewing media of children's books

Thesis non-RU

Pasler, Rudolph J., II. The Federalist Party in Burlington County, New Jersey

Thesis non-RU

20TH, NJ
Decker, Marian Bellows. Study of the work-loads of full-time school librarians in the secondary schools of Illinois

Thesis non-RU

Mahar, Mary Helen. Activities and services of the school library as related to modern concepts of its educationsl function

Thesis non-RU

Welsh. Helen C.. Library facilities of secondary schools giving service to vocational pupils

Thesis non-RU

Mayer, Phyllis Arlene. Some characteristics of nonresident library users

Thesis non-RU

Meisel, Jacqueline C. Architectural survey of representative domestic structures pre-dating 1810 in Gloucester Coounty, New Jersey

Thesis non-RU

20TH, NJ
Paicurich, Gene John. A history of the library overdue book penalty and a survey of its use today in the university library

Thesis non-RU

Widem, Barbara Davis. The state library extension agency and services to children

Thesis non-RU

Moore, Daniel Eldredge. The United Malays national organization and the 1959 Malayan elections: a study of a political party in action in a newly independent plural society

Thesis non-RU

Pritchard, Martha Caroline. Comparison of the activities of teachers and school librarians with relation to children's reading

Thesis non-RU

Stillings, Edwin J. Turnout and electoral trands, 1870-1950

Thesis non-RU

Goldman, Ralph Morris. Party chairmen and party faction, 1789-1900; a theory of executive responsibility and conflict resolution

Thesis non-RU

Clark, Margaret B. The Malayan alliance and its accommodation of communal pressures, 1952-1962.

Thesis non-RU

Connors, Richard John. The local political career of Mayor Frank Hague

Thesis non-RU

Roman de Helcanus. Le Roman de Helcanus; edition critique d'une ouvre francaise anonyme en prose du XIII siecle (par) Henri Zygmunt Niedzielski

Thesis non-RU

Henderson, Bancroft Clinton. The Democratic National Committee

Thesis non-RU

Hickman, Latricia M. A study of the recreational facilities available to negroes in Jersey City, New Jersey and an interpretation of the needs, 1944-1947

Thesis non-RU

20TH, NJ
Kany, Robert Hurd. David Hall: printing partner of Benjamin Franklin

Thesis non-RU

Gerber, Richard Allan. The Liberal Republican alliance of 1872

Thesis non-RU

Isaacs, A Joakim. The Presidents and the press in the Reconstruction era

Thesis non-RU

Hunt, Leigh. The letters of Leigh Hunt in the Luther A. Brewer collection, 1816-1825

Thesis non-RU

Belz, Herman Julius. Reconstructing the Union: conflicts of theory and policy during the Civil War

Thesis non-RU

Beuken, Clemens Louis. Warmeverluste bei periodisch betriebene elektrischen Ofen: eine neue Methode zur vorausbestimmung nicht-stationarer warmestro-mungen

Thesis non-RU

Oberdoerffer, Marianne. Contemporary Mexican theater, 1923-1959

Thesis non-RU

Moore, Robert Joseph. Historians' interpretations of the reconstruction period in American history

Thesis non-RU

DeEzcurdia, Manuel. La aparicion del grupo "contemporaneos" en la poesia y en la critica mexicanas

Thesis non-RU

Christian, Chester Caisel, Jr. Literary representation and sociological analysis, social class in Latin America

Thesis non-RU

Mcjimsey, George Tilden. The life of Manton Marble

Thesis non-RU

Shriver, George Hite, Jr. Philip Schaff's concept of organic historiography interpreted in relation to the realization of an "Evangelical Catholicism" within the Christian community

Thesis non-RU

Davis, James Ronnie. Pre-Keynesian economic policy proposals in the United States during the great depression

Thesis non-RU

Trexler, Richard Charles. Economic, political and religious effects of the Papal Interdict on Florence, 1376-1378: a study of the secular penal power of the Papacy in the late Middle Ages

Thesis non-RU

Loos, Erich. Charles Pinot Duclos, als Moralist des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts und seine Bedeutung fur den Stand der "Gens de lettres"

Thesis non-RU

Horn, Robert Anderson. National control of congressional elections

Thesis non-RU

Kincaid, Larry George. The legislative origins of the Military Reconstruction Act, 1865-1867

Thesis non-RU

Brockman, Henry Caruthers. Frank Hugh Foster: a chapter in the American Protestant quest for authority in theology

Thesis non-RU

Thompson, John Armin. The role of the principal in collective negotiations

Thesis non-RU

Orvieto, Enzo Umberto. Guido da Pisa e il commento inedito all'Inferno datesco: trascrizione ed analisi delle chose ai Canti primo e trentatreeismo (Italian commentary with Latin text)

Thesis non-RU

Olshausen, Ulrich. Das lautenbegleitete Sololied in England um 1600. Mit einem Register der unveroffentlichten Lider

Thesis non-RU

Axhausen, Kate. Die Theorien uber den Ursprung der provenzalischen Lyrik.

Thesis non-RU

McCumsey, Norman Lee. The effects of professional negotiations on secondary school principals' decision making functions.

Thesis non-RU
