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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Description Sort descending
Hare, John S. Allen G. Thurman; a political study.

Thesis non-RU

Gray, Edgar Laughlin. The career of William Henry Smith, politician-journalist.

Thesis non-RU

Meister, Klaus. Die sizilische Geschichte bei Diodor von den Anfangen bis zum Tod des Agathokles; quellenuntersuchungen zu Buch IV-XXI.

Thesis non-RU

Morgan, Howard Wayne. The congrassional career of William McKinley.

Thesis non-RU

Thompson, Edwin Bruce. Benjamin Helm Briston, symbol of reform.

Thesis non-RU

Sansolo, Jack. Trainer style and group reactions: an analysis of trainer comments in T-groups and its relation to the learning and the satisfaction of group members.

Thesis non-RU

Riddle, Judith Anne. The ragged shirt versus the bloddy shirt; the campaign and election of 1876 in Ohio

Thesis non-RU

Stokes, Katharine Martin. Book resources for teacher education: a study toward the compilation of a core list

Thesis Non-RU

Northen, Helen. The effectiveness of social group work in the development of qualitative participation.

Thesis Non-RU

Stull, Edith G. A proposal for the teaching of reference reading in the elementary school. With Handbook for teachers and librarians guiding reference reading int the elementary school, or guiding detection, discovery and development through reference reading in the elementary school

Thesis non-RU

Wold, Kenneth Manvil. Practices employed in selecting students for technical curricula.

Thesis non-RU

Field, Oliver Thoburn. Acquisition and control of books and periodicals in federal research libraries.

Thesis non-RU (D.L.S.)

Connaway, Ronda Sue. A conceptual formulation and observational scheme for analysis of social work practice: a representation of the object, action, and operating principle in social work practice.

Thesis non-RU (D.S.W.); Abstracted in Dissertation absracts

Iannaccone, Lawrence. The social system of an elementary school staff.

Thesis non-RU (Ed. D.)

Vance, Kenneth E. The professional status of school librarians in Michigan public secondary schools enrolling 500 or more students.

Thesis non-RU (Ed. D.)

Cobb, Henry E. Negroes in Alabama during the Reconstruction period, 1865-1875.

Thesis non-RU (Ed.D.)

Cody, Sarah I. A study of the summer reading club as a recreational reading guidance method with children at the East 131st Street branch of the Cleveland Public Library.

Thesis Non-RU (M. Sc.)

Andrews, Thelma. Trends in college library buildings.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Bennett, Wilma. A plan for regional administration of school library service in Indiana.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Ersted, Ruth. The education of school librarians

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Solomons, Anee. Arthur Rackham; English illustrator.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Moore, Eleanor. An analysis of the uses made of a public library by high school students

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Eakin, Mary Katherine. The reading of books from publisher's reprint series by children in the elementary grades.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.); "300 reprint title, with names of authors and series in which each title appears"

Richards, Helen L. A study of the summer reading club members of three branches of the Cleveland Public Library.

Thesis Non-RU (M.S.L.S.)

Orr, Isabel. The first fifty years of printing in Missouri (1808-1857)

Thesis non-RU (M.Sc.)

O'Brian, Philip Michael. Attitudes of academic librarians in the Pacific Coast states toward library technitians.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Pratt, Allan Daniel. A logorithmic measure of the size of United States libraries.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Vincent, Donald Edward perry. A study of administrative style in five university libraries and its reflection in staff…1974.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Watson, Jerry J. A study of adults' reactions to contemporary junior novels reflecting adolescents' interest in reading about aspects of peer and non-peer relationships.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Mendiville, Miguel. An experimental study of the effects of training small leaderless groups in Orientation behavior.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Carroll, Hardy. Metric spaces applied to locating library collections

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.); MG/BF 4-23-76

Hanson, Eugene Russell. Cataloging and the American Library Association.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.); MG/BF 4-23-76

Byron, Lorene Sandra. A comparitive evaluation of two indexing languages.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.); MG/BF 4-26-76

Jannerich, Elaine Zaremba. Microcounseling in library education.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.); MG/BF 4-26-76

Vecoli, Rudolph John. Chicago's Italians prior to World War I: a study of their social and economic adjustment

Thesis non-RU, abstracted in Dissertation abstracts

Scuorzo, Herbert Ernest. An analysis of the position of audio-visual instructional materials building coordinator in the public elementary schools of New Jersey

Thesis non-RU, abstracted in Dissertation abstracts

Simon, Ernest. A tradition of the comic novel: Sorel, Scarron, Furetiere, Sterne, Diderot

Thesis non-RU, abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts

Bole, Robert D. The development of financial support for public schools in New Jersey

Thesis non-RU, abstracted in Dissertation abstracts. Microfilm copy of typescript

Holdcamper, Hope Frances (Kane). Colonial promotion and promotion literature of Carolina, 1660-1700. By Hope Frances Kane…

Thesis non-RU. Chapter 7 (leaves 123-175) concerns New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Anderson, Ruth Mapes. A study of bureaucratization and professionalization in formal organizations.

Thesis non-RU; "Impact of different combinations of professional and bureaucratic characteristics on the effectiveness of general hospitals." Cf. Abstract.

Wood, James Earl. History of labor in the broad-silk industry of Paterson, New Jersey, 1872-1940, with special reference to labor unions, to collective bargaining, and to changes in the structure of the industry and in employment experience of the workers, 1926-1936

Thesis non-RU; "This thesis is the outgrowth of a study…prepared… for the National research project and published in 1939 under the title: Employment experience of broad-silk workers, 1926-1936; a study of intermittency of employment in a declining industry."

Williams, Carol Ann Traynor. The necessary ripple: the art of Vladimir Nabokov

Thesis non-RU; absracted in dissertation abstracts

Parrillo, Vincent Nicholas. Predicting academic success in college for disadvantaged students

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Beamish, Robert Lalonde. The personified abstraction in Middle High German lyric poetry

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Marchant, Maurice Peterson. The effects of the decision making process and related organizational factors on alternative measures of performance in university libraries

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Banning, Lance Gilbert. The quarrel with Federalism: a study in the origins and character of Republican thought

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Davis, Van Melvin. Individualism on trial: the ideaology of the Northern democracy during the Civil War and Reconstruction

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Gray, Clayton. Motifs of classical Minnesang; their origin, content and development

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Blazek, Ronald David. Teacher utilization of non-required library materials in mathematics and the effects of pupil use.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Donohuge, Joseph Chaminade. A method for the analysis of a subject literature.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts