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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Description Sort ascending
Atarelli, Carlo C. History and present conditions of the Italian colony at Paterson, N.J.

Thesis non-RU

Olson, Richard D. The staff association in the academic library

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Pfeifer, Ruth Ann. A comparative study of the basic cataloging theories of Seymour Lubetzky and S.R. Ranganathan

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Livingston, Frances G. Simplified classics: a comparative analysis of the content of certain English and American classics and the adaptations for high school students based upon them

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Shelburn, Shirley J. An exploratory study onto the effects of reading through analysis of responses to books read voluntarily by ninth-grade students

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Brown, Alice Elizabeth (Cooke). A social history of Rutherford, New Jersey

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Weinberg, William M. A administrative history of New Jersey State Board of Mediation

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Thieda, Robert. Bookmobile use; a study of suburban library service

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Henderson, William T. Acquisitions policies of academic and research libraries

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Melvin, Constance, Sister. A history of school libraries in Pennsylvania by Sister M. Constance Melvin

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Lowrey, Perrin Holmes, 1923-. The critical reception of William Faulkner's work in the United States, 1926-1950.

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Lee, Donald Woodward. Functional change in early English.

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Greene, Victor R. The attitude of Slavic communities to the unionization of the anthracite industry before 1903.

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Hinrichsen, Carl D. The history of the diocese of Newark, 1873-1901.

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Oak, Eleanor Hill. The development of separate education in the state of New Jersey.

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Martin, Gene Ellis, 1926-. Land division in central Chile.

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Franks, Dean Kermit, 1918-. A study of the success of West Seattle High School students in lanugage arts, foreign language, social studies, and music and art.

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Lyons, Richard Gerald. The influence of Hegel on the philosophy of education of William Torrey Harris.

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Zymelman, Manuel. The economic history of Argentina, 1933-1952.

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Binder, Louis Richard. The negro in Paterson, a study in leadership?

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Pitt, Dimitriy T. Migratory child labor on New Jersey farms.

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Warner, John Ellsworth. The role of the librarian as a co-worker in guidance from the viewpoint of the guidance worker.

Thesis Non-RU

Bishop, Martha Dell. Identification of valuable learning experiences in centralized elementary school libraries.

Thesis Non-RU

Willes, Paul Stephen. Factors for differentiating students who read extensively for personal use from those of equal ability who do not.

Thesis Non-RU

Petitt, Dorothy Jeanette, 1923-. A study of the qualities of literary excellence which characterize selected fiction for younger adolescents

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Jordan, David Crichton. Argentina's nationalist movements and the political parties (1930-1963); a study of conflict.

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Amyet, Jacques, 1920-. The Chinese community of Manila: a study of adaptation of Chinese familism to the Philippine environment.

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Norwood, Alberta S. Negro welfare work in Philadelphia, especially as illustrated by the career of William Still. 1775-1930.

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Higgs, Florence A. Symons. Integration problems in certain schools in Mercer County, N.J.

Thesis Non-RU

Zimmer, Anne Young. "Minutes" of Elisha Parker, 1748-1750, economic mirror of a transition period.

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Pole, Jack Richon. The reform of suffrage and representation in New Jersey, 1774-1844.

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Henderson, Herbert James. Political factions in the Continental Congress, 1774-1783.

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Calhoon, Robert McCluer. Critics of colonial resistance in the pre-Revolutionary debate, 1763-1776.

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Ernst, Joseph Albert. Currency in the era of the American Revolution: a history of colonial paper money practices and British monetary policies, 1764-1781.

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Kenney, Alice Patricia. The Gansevoorts of Albany and Anglo-Dutch relations in the upper Hudson Valley, 1664-1790.

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Bierstedt, Robert. The culture concept: a methodological problem.

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Williams, James N. Guidance needs of negro youth in Montclair: a report of a survey of negro youth in Montclair, New Jersey, and of the present guidance activities, opportunities and needs.

Thesis Non-RU

Masterton, Elizabeth G. An evaluation of the school library in the reading program

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Lipscomb, Atalanta Brown. The status of the negro in New Jersey during the period 1763-1804.

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Luetscher, George Daniel. Early political machinery in the United States.

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Au, Chih-Chun Tien. American impact on modern Chinese library development.

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Cross, Wilford Oakland, 1910-. The role and status of the unregenerate in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1629-1729.

Thesis Non-RU

Seager, Robert, 1924-. The progressives and American foreign policy, 1898-1917; an analysis of the attitudes of leaders of the progressive movement toward external affairs.

Thesis Non-RU

Stidfole, Hilda Welles. A survey of the occupations engaged in by negro men and women of Red Bank, New Jersey.

Thesis Non-RU

Muntz, Alfred Philip. The changing geography of the New Jersey woodlands, 1600-1900.

Thesis Non-RU

Anderson, Frank W. Automobile financing.

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Anderson, William J. The safety of loans on underground oil.

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Bowman, Francis B. Financing the stock broker.

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Carlson, Oscar K. An investment policy for commercial banks and investment standards.

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Cavanagh, Max. Term loans: policies and practices.

Thesis Non-RU