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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Description Sort ascending
Watson, Jerry J. A study of adults' reactions to contemporary junior novels reflecting adolescents' interest in reading about aspects of peer and non-peer relationships.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Mendiville, Miguel. An experimental study of the effects of training small leaderless groups in Orientation behavior.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Orr, Isabel. The first fifty years of printing in Missouri (1808-1857)

Thesis non-RU (M.Sc.)

Richards, Helen L. A study of the summer reading club members of three branches of the Cleveland Public Library.

Thesis Non-RU (M.S.L.S.)

Eakin, Mary Katherine. The reading of books from publisher's reprint series by children in the elementary grades.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.); "300 reprint title, with names of authors and series in which each title appears"

Andrews, Thelma. Trends in college library buildings.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Bennett, Wilma. A plan for regional administration of school library service in Indiana.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Ersted, Ruth. The education of school librarians

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Solomons, Anee. Arthur Rackham; English illustrator.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Moore, Eleanor. An analysis of the uses made of a public library by high school students

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Cody, Sarah I. A study of the summer reading club as a recreational reading guidance method with children at the East 131st Street branch of the Cleveland Public Library.

Thesis Non-RU (M. Sc.)

Cobb, Henry E. Negroes in Alabama during the Reconstruction period, 1865-1875.

Thesis non-RU (Ed.D.)

Iannaccone, Lawrence. The social system of an elementary school staff.

Thesis non-RU (Ed. D.)

Vance, Kenneth E. The professional status of school librarians in Michigan public secondary schools enrolling 500 or more students.

Thesis non-RU (Ed. D.)

Connaway, Ronda Sue. A conceptual formulation and observational scheme for analysis of social work practice: a representation of the object, action, and operating principle in social work practice.

Thesis non-RU (D.S.W.); Abstracted in Dissertation absracts

Field, Oliver Thoburn. Acquisition and control of books and periodicals in federal research libraries.

Thesis non-RU (D.L.S.)

Dixon, D. Genevieve. Individual patterns in reading development.

Thesis Non-RU

Weaver, Valerie Whittemore. The Civil Rights Act of 1875: reactions and enforcement

Thesis non-RU

Zimmerman, Elena Irish. American opera librettos, 1767-1825: the manifestation and result of the imitative principle in an American literary form

Thesis non-RU

Chimes, George. The making of an American loyalist; a study of William Franklin1730-1776

Thesis non-RU

Aikin, Dorothy, 1907-. Psychiatric consultation in the family agency.

Thesis Non-RU

Erfft, Kenneth, Reynders. Thomas Edward Brown's narrative poetry.

Thesis Non-RU

Van Hoogstrate, Dorothy Jane, 1924-. American foreign policy; realists and idealists: a Catholic interpretation of the Great Debate.

Thesis Non-RU

Yungmeyer, Elinor. Magazine reading of elementary school pupils.

Thesis Non-RU

Kinzer, Donald Louis, 1914-. The American Protective Association: a study of anti-Catholicism.

Thesis Non-RU

Blank, Catherine Mary. A critical analysis of the value of summer reading projects for children.

Thesis Non-RU

Klempner, Irving Max. National documentation center abstracting and indexing services and the diffusion of results from government-sponsered research.

Thesis non-RU

Fasick, Adele Mongan. A comparitive linguistic analysis of books and television for children.

Thesis non-RU

Armstrong, Charles Wesley. Role of information resources in national development: a descriptive study and analysis of library resources in West Africa.

Thesis non-RU

Shultz, John Howard. Obscurantism in Milton and the humanistic tradition.

Thesis non-RU

Cyphert, Frederick Ralph. Current practice in the use of the library in selected junior high schools in Pennsylvania.

Thesis non-RU

Meadows, Iris Culver. Concepts of child nature in American life and education, 1800-1900.

Thesis non-RU

Morse, Dorothea Bignell. Study of juvinile writings of eight American authors of the second half of the ninteeth century.

Thesis non-RU

Becker, Eugene Matthew. Whistler and the aesthetic movement.

Thesis non-RU

McGarry, Loretta, Sister. The Holy Eucharist in Middle English homiletic and devotional verse.

Thesis non-RU

Berwick, Donald Maurice. The reputation of Jonathan Swift, 1781-1882.

Thesis non-RU

Preston, Nathaniel Stone. The use and control of public authorities in American state and local government.

Thesis non-RU

Jones, Victor. Metropolitan government.

Thesis non-RU

Marcson, Simon. The prediction of intermarriage.

Thesis non-RU

Lerner, Eugene. Money, prices, and wages in the Confederacy, 1861-1865.

Thesis non-RU

Wilkie, Florence. Early printing in Ohio, 1793-1820. With a checklist of Ohio imprints for that period.

Thesis non-RU

Alksnis, Gertrude. The objectives and functioning of the Soviet Russian children's libraries presented from recent Russian printed sources.

Thesis non-RU

Halpert, Herbert Norman. Folktales and legends from the New Jersey pines; a collection and a study.

Thesis non-RU

John, Arthur W. A history of Scribner's monthly and the Century illustrated monthly magazine, 1870-1900.

Thesis non-RU

Apgar, Wilbur Ethelbert. Evolution of the office of chief state school officer in New Jersey

Thesis non-RU

Zilversmit, Arthur. Slavery and its abolition in the Northern States

Thesis non-RU

Lipscomb, Patrick Cleburne. The Church of England and the negro slaves in the West Indies, 1783-1833

Thesis non-RU

Nadworny, Milton J. Jersey labor and Jackson

Thesis non-Ru

White, Ruth M. A report on how well the public library branch located in the school serves the adult

Thesis non-RU

Prostano, Emanual Theodore. An analysis of school library resources in Connecticut as compared to national standards

Thesis non-RU