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Microforms content relating to the 17th or 18th centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 17th and 18th centuries, 1601 to 1800. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 108 record(s)
Author/Title Description
Early American Newspapers (1704-1820).

Individual titles cataloged separately.

Early British Periodicals (EBP)

Consists of more than 160 periodicals dealing with literature, philosophy, history, science, and fine arts, and the social sciences which were published primarily in the 18th and 19th centuries.

American Periodical Series, (APS I, II, III)

These three series reproduce over 1100 periodicals of the 18th and 19th century. Available full-text online via the Indexes and Database page. - Now available as American Periodicals Series Online 1740-1900 at

Great Britain. Court of Star Chamber. Star Chamber and English Society in the Reign of James I

Selection assembled by the Public Record Office in London from original documents held by that office.

Great Britain. House of Commons. Debates of the House of Commons, from 10 October 1667-26 April 1694. (Grey's Debates)

Collected by Anichitell Grey. 10 vols. London, 1763.

New Hampshire. Census. 1773. 1786. (State Censuses)

Part of larger State Censuses collection

Records in the British Public Records Office Relating to South Carolina

Volumes 6-36, covering 1716-1782

U.S. Continental Congress. Miscellaneous Papers, 1774-1789. (National Archives microcopy no. M332)

Not available.

U.S. Continental Congress. Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. (National Archives microcopy no. M247)

Not available.

Diplomatic correspondence of British ministers to the Russian Court at St. Petersburg, 1704-1776

Microfiche of v.12, 19, 39, 50, 61, 66, 76, 80, 85, 91, 99, 102-103, 110, and 148 of the Sbornik of the Russkoe istorischeskoe obshchestvo.

Great Britain. Public Record Office. British headquarters (Sir Guy Carleton papers (1777-1783))

The papers consist chiefly of the correspondence of Sir Guy Carleton, but contain also copies of letters received, and sent, by previous Commanders-in-chief of the British Army in America, Sir William Howe and Sir Henry. Reels 1 and 2 are a copy of a calendar of the papers: Great Britain.…

Registers of the Archbishops of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace. 13th-17th Century.

"The registers are 'out-letterbooks' containing copies of documents issued by or directly concernly the Archbishops in their capacities as ordinary, metropolitan, and until the Reformation, papal legates".

Early English Books: 1475-1640. (series One) (Pollard and Redgrave).

Printed materials published in the English language from 1475 to 1640. Also available full-text online via EEBO, Early English Books Online. - Now available as EEBO - Early English Books Online at http://www.libraries.…

Early American Imprints: 1639-1800 1st Series (Evans)

"The complete text of every book, pamphlet, and braodside published in the United States in the years 1639 through 1800." (publisher's brochure)

Dutch Pamphlets ca. 1486-1648

A microfiche edition of the pamphlets in the Royal Library in The Hague, Netherlands.

Lauderdale Papers. Papers of John Maitland, Duke of Lauderdale, 1616-1682

Not available.

Penn, William. Papers of William Penn

Reproduces correspondence, patents, wills, commissions, petitions, and constitutional documents, as well as such memorabilia as account books, lists of charges, and records of legal activities.

Remarks on the country extending from Cape Palmas to the River Congo: including observations on the manners and customs of the inhabitants : with an appendix containing an account of the European trade with the West Coast of Africa

West Africa--slave trade, commerce, description, and travel.
Previous ed. published in 1822,under title: sketches taken during ten voyages to Africa between the years 1786 and 1800.

Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf, Baron von 1730-1794. The papers of General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben 1777-1794

Not available.

English Literary Periodicals 1681-1900

Includes most English periodicals published until 1800, while focusing primarily on literary periodicals for the years 1800-1900.

Great Britain. House of Commons. Sessional Papers. [Parliamentary Papers] 1731-1877/78.

For the years 1978/79 on, see "Great Britain. House of Commons. Parliamentary Papers."

New York (State). Census. 1795. 1801. 1807. 1814. 1821. 1825. 1835. 1845. 1855. 1865. 1875. 1892. 1905. 1915. 1925. (State Censuses)

Part of larger State Censuses collection

U.S. Congress. Senate. Bills. 1789-1927/29 (1st-70th Congress)

Not available

U.S. State Department. Despatches from U.S. consuls in Aux Cayes, Haiti, 1797-1874. (National Archives microcopy no. T330)

Reel 3 of 4

U.S. State Department. Despatches from U.S. consuls in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, 1791-1876. (National Archives microcopy no. T233)

Reels 5-7 of 8 only

U.S. Congress. House. Bills. 1789-1927/29 (1st-70th Congress)

Not available.

U.S. Congress. Senate. Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate. v. 1 (1789) - 39 (1909)

Not available.

U.S. State Department. Despatches from U.S. consuls in Canton, China, 1790-1906. (National Archives microcopy no. M101)

Reels 5 and 6 of 20.

U.S. State Department. Despatches from U.S. consuls in Cap Haitien, Haiti, 1797-1906. (National Archives microcopy no. M9)

Reel 9 of 17.

U.S. State Department. Domestic letters of the Department of State, 1784-1906. (National Archives microcopy no. M40)

Reels 52-65 (Total: 171 reels)

U.S. State Department. Records of the Department of State, Communications from special agents, 1794-1906. (National Archives microcopy no. M37)

Reels 17, 22, 24

Great Britain. Public Record Office. Complete State Papers. Domestic, Series One: 1547-1625, Series Two: 1625-1702

Not available.

Great Britain. Public Record Office. Sixteenth and seventeenth century newsletters

pt. 1. Newsletters c. 1564-1667, and related papers c. 1607-1764, from the Public Record Office. reel 1-9. SP 78/98-107. reel 10-12, SP 101/10-12. reel 13-18, C 115/102-109.

Great Britain. House of Commons. Journals. Vol. 1-230. 1547-1900, 1901-1938/39, 1939/40-1974. [Journals of the House of Commons]

Not available.

William Livingston Papers, 1774-1790

United States. Politics and Government. 1783-1790. New Jersey.

Thomason Tracts

Pamphlets, books, newspapers, and manuscripts relating to the English Civil War, the Commonwealth, and the Restoration, printed between 1640 and 1661 and collected by George Thomason. Also available full-text online via EEBO, Early English Books Online.

Canada. Public Archives. Documents relating to the Constitutional History of Canada: 1759-1828. Selected and edited with notes by Adam Shortt, Arthur G. Doughty, D.A. McArthur, and Norah Story.

Constitutional documents.

Prose fiction in Shakespeare's time

Bibliotheca Shakespeariana. Unit 15

State Slavery Statutes (1789-1865)

Containing some 7100 statutes, covering all southern states, from the birth of the United States to the end of the Civil War. The Guide includes an index by subject, names and Geographical locations.

Recherches sur les voyages et découvertes des navigateurs Normands en Afrique dans les Indes Orientales et en Amérique ...

Voyages des navigateurs normands--De la marine--Des établissemens coloniaux--Du commerce--Appendice: note I. Relation des côtes d'Afrique, du père Labbat. II. Relation des côtes d'Afrique, de De Bellefond. III. Sur les îles Canaries. IV. Découverte de l'Australie. V. Voyage…

Hall, Joseph, Bp. Of Norwich, 1574-1656. De la tranqvillite de l'esprit. De la traduction de Monsieur Chevreav.

On reel also are: His Le Seneque ressvci Chrestien; no allement augmente de deux centuries entieres, en ceste

Hall, Joseph, Bp. Of Norwich, 1574-1656. Les caracteres de vertvs et de vices, tirez de l'anglois de Joseph Hall (par le sieur de Torval).

On reel also are: His Le ciel sur la terre. 1629. Heaven upon earth. London, 1606. Les arts divins de Salomon. Geneve, 1632. Meditations occasionelles. Geneve, 1632.

Nagel, Wilibald L. Annalen der englischen Hofmusik von der Ziet Heinrichs VIII bis zum Tode Karls I (1509-1649) Nach den Originaldo Kumenten von Dr. Wilibard Nagel.

On reel also are: Nicander, Of Colophon. Nikandrou Theriaka, p. 637-652; Plutarchus. Plotarkou tou Kaironeos, Plutarchi Chaeronensis…Moralia; and various British Museum manuscripts dealing with medical terms. Sloane manuscripts 1991, 2077, and 182; Additional manuscripts 28, 327; and Egerton…

A mirrour for Martinists, and all other schismatiques

On reel with above are: (2) A commission sente to the Pope, Cardynales, bishops, Friers, Monkes…1586. (3) A commyssion sent to the bloody butcher, byshop of London by Athanas, the deuil of Hell. (4) The beehiue of the romishe churche. A worke of al good Catholikes too bee read.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. Here begynneth the boke of Troylus and Creseyde…[1526?]

Also on film: Here begynneth the boke of the Canterbury Tales, dilygently and truly corrected/and newly printed. Prologe. The knightes tale. The myllers prolouge and tale. The reues tale. Cokes tale. The man of lawes tale. The marchauntes tale. The Squiers tale. The frankeleyns tale.…

Colección de documentos inéditos, relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones españolas de América y Oceanía sacados de los archivos del reino, y muy especialmente del de Indias : competentemente autorizada.

The collection was for the greater part published without any preconceived plan as to arranging the documents either systematically or chronologically. With v. 36 a chronological arrangement was begun, but was not consistently carried out. The extreme dates of the period covered by the documents…

Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organizacíon de las antiguas posesiónes espa~nola de ultramar [Segunda serie]

Not available.

Kershey, John fl.1720 / Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum, 1708

Not available.

Antimartinus, sive monitio cuiusdam Londin ensi ad adolescentes vtriusque Academiae, contra…Martin Marprelate.

Not available.

Manuscript with relevance to the Martin Marprelate controversy

Not available.