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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Description Sort ascending
Bardwell, Roger Willis. Differences in perception of citizens and teachers about educational issues.

Thesis non-RU

Douglass, Malcolm Paul. Interrelationships between man and the natural environment for use in the geographic strand of social studies curriculum.

Thesis non-RU

Maw, Ethel Wildey. An experiment in teaching critical thinking in the intermediate grades.

Thesis non-RU

Roders, Oswald Jacob. Patriotic organizations: their relations with Michigan schools.

Thesis non-RU

Rambeau, John Franklin. Social science generalizations for use in the social studies curriculum: transporting people and goods.

Thesis non-RU

Nerbovig, Marcella Hannah, 1919-. Teachers' perceptions of the functions of objectives.

Thesis non-RU

Jones, James P. John A. Logan: politician and soldier.

Thesis non-RU

Williams, Burton John. John James Ingalls: a personal portrait of a public figure.

Thesis non-RU

Sinkler, George. The racial ideas of American presidents from Lincoln to Theodore Roosevelt.

Thesis non-RU

Ellenburg, Martha Ann. Reconstruction in Arkansas.

Thesis non-RU

Maddex, Jack Pendleton, Jr. The Virginia conservatives: a study in "Bourbon" redemption, 1869-1879.

Thesis non-RU

George, Sister Mary Karl. Zachariah Chandler: radical revisited.

Thesis non-RU

Gersten, Leon. Cultural presses and the development of moral judgments.

Thesis non-RU

Marsal, Juan Francisco. The image of a changing Latin America: a sociological criticism of some current American and Latin American models.

Thesis non-RU

Rusteika, George Peter. Social science generalizations for use in the social studies curriculum: communicating facts, ideas and feelings.

Thesis non-RU

Metcalf, Lawrence Eugene. A theory of conceptual learning and its implications for the teaching of the social studies for the purpose of clarifying social attitudes.

Thesis non-RU

Griffen, Alan Francis. A philosophical approach to the subject matter preparation of teachers of history.

Thesis non-RU

Padgett, James Absolom. History of the Federal election laws.

Thesis non-RU

Baxter, Glen Williams. Hua Chien Chi, songs of tenth-century China: a study of the first Tz'u anthology.

Thesis non-RU

Van Til, William. A social living curriculum for post-war secondary education: an approach to curriculum development through centers of experience derived from the interaction of values, social realities, and needs.

Thesis non-RU

Winters, Lee Eugene. The relationship of Chinese poetry to British and American poetry of the twentiteth century, through the translations of Giles, Pound, Waley Lowell, and Bynner.

Thesis non-RU

Dvorin, Eugene P. The Central African federation: a political analysis.

Thesis non-RU

Kiano, Gikonyo. The federation issue in multi-racial East and Central Africa

Thesis non-RU

Jans, Ralph Theodore. Negro civil rights and the Supreme Court, 1865-1949.

Thesis non-RU

Tuttle, Pierson Muir. A history of railroad taxation in New Jersey.

Thesis non-RU

Mellette, Peter. Reconstruction, expansion, and change: America as reported by British travelers during the period 1865-1890, with a focus upon intergroup relations; a report of a type C project.

Thesis non-RU

Romney, A. Kimball. A structural analysis of preferential cross-cousin marriage.

Thesis non-RU

Lynch, Frank. Social class in a bikol town.

Thesis non-RU

Cheaney, Henry Ellis. Attitudes of the Indiana pulpit and press toward the negro: 1860-1880.

Thesis non-RU

Krebs, Frank John. Hayes and the South.

Thesis non-RU

Klienpell, Eugene H. James M. Comly, journalist-politician.

Thesis non-RU

Hare, John S. Allen G. Thurman; a political study.

Thesis non-RU

Gray, Edgar Laughlin. The career of William Henry Smith, politician-journalist.

Thesis non-RU

Meister, Klaus. Die sizilische Geschichte bei Diodor von den Anfangen bis zum Tod des Agathokles; quellenuntersuchungen zu Buch IV-XXI.

Thesis non-RU

Morgan, Howard Wayne. The congrassional career of William McKinley.

Thesis non-RU

Thompson, Edwin Bruce. Benjamin Helm Briston, symbol of reform.

Thesis non-RU

Sansolo, Jack. Trainer style and group reactions: an analysis of trainer comments in T-groups and its relation to the learning and the satisfaction of group members.

Thesis non-RU

Riddle, Judith Anne. The ragged shirt versus the bloddy shirt; the campaign and election of 1876 in Ohio

Thesis non-RU

Stokes, Katharine Martin. Book resources for teacher education: a study toward the compilation of a core list

Thesis Non-RU

Northen, Helen. The effectiveness of social group work in the development of qualitative participation.

Thesis Non-RU

Stull, Edith G. A proposal for the teaching of reference reading in the elementary school. With Handbook for teachers and librarians guiding reference reading int the elementary school, or guiding detection, discovery and development through reference reading in the elementary school

Thesis non-RU

Wold, Kenneth Manvil. Practices employed in selecting students for technical curricula.

Thesis non-RU

Nigerian Pamphlets and Other Publications of Simon Ottenberg

These materials were collected in the course of Ottenberg's field research in Nigeria. The collection concentrates on works published in the old eastern region of Nigeria and written by people of Ibo background. Pamphlets and other material appeared mainly between 1940 and 1965.

Duke University. Library. Manuscript Department. Socialist Party of America Papers, 1897-1963 & 1919-1976, addendum

The papers contain correspondence, minutes of committee meetings and proceedings of conventions, financial records, court records, copies of speeches, press releases, organizers' reports, lists, photographs, broadsides, leaflets, pamphlets, books, and serials. [Ser. 1. National office…

Mass Observation File Reports - The Tom Harrisson Mass-Observation archive

The Mass Observation Project was a privately funded documentary study of the everyday life of the British people from the years 1937-1943. The microfiche collection is a reproduction of the Mass-Observation Archives in Great Britain.

U.S. Indian Claims Commission. Decisions of the Indian Claims Commission. v.l - v.46.

The Indian Claims Commission cease operations September 30, 1978. Unresolved claims were transferred to the U.S. Court of Claims

FBI file on the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) = FBI file on the communist infiltration of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

The file spans the years from 1941 to 1957.

U.S. State Department. United States and France: Correspondence Dealing With Economic Relations, 1811-1930. Compiled and Indexed by Williamson B. Howell, Jr. Wilmington: Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1971.

The collection is compiled from the archive of the U.S. State Department, the French Foreign Office, and the American Embassy in Paris. It was edited at the embassy in 1931. The correspondence covers every important trade development and controversy from 1811 through 1930 between France and…

U.S. Congress. House. 95:2. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee. Proposition 13: prelude to fiscal crisis or new opportunities? Report together with dissenting vews by the Subcommittee on the City. December 1978,

Subcommittee Print

U.S. Army. Statements of Japanese officials on World War II [1949-1950] (English translations)

Statements are arranged alphabetically by name of Japanese official making them. Each volume is prefaced with a list of statements included, title or rank of the person making the statement, and a short note on the subject of each statement.