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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Description
Henderson, Bancroft Clinton. The Democratic National Committee

Thesis non-RU

Galligan, David Joseph. American Protestant missions and Communist China, 1946-1950

Thesis RU

Feiertag, Erwin L. Capital punishment in New Jersey, 1664-1950, a study of change.

NJ; Thesis non-RU

Hickman, Latricia M. A study of the recreational facilities available to negroes in Jersey City, New Jersey and an interpretation of the needs, 1944-1947

Thesis non-RU

Kany, Robert Hurd. David Hall: printing partner of Benjamin Franklin

Thesis non-RU

Gerber, Richard Allan. The Liberal Republican alliance of 1872

Thesis non-RU

Isaacs, A Joakim. The Presidents and the press in the Reconstruction era

Thesis non-RU

Hunt, Leigh. The letters of Leigh Hunt in the Luther A. Brewer collection, 1816-1825

Thesis non-RU

Belz, Herman Julius. Reconstructing the Union: conflicts of theory and policy during the Civil War

Thesis non-RU

Coryell, Gladys A. Emerging patterns of elementary school library service in California

Dissertation non-RU

Beuken, Clemens Louis. Warmeverluste bei periodisch betriebene elektrischen Ofen: eine neue Methode zur vorausbestimmung nicht-stationarer warmestro-mungen

Thesis non-RU

Oberdoerffer, Marianne. Contemporary Mexican theater, 1923-1959

Thesis non-RU

Moore, Robert Joseph. Historians' interpretations of the reconstruction period in American history

Thesis non-RU

DeEzcurdia, Manuel. La aparicion del grupo "contemporaneos" en la poesia y en la critica mexicanas

Thesis non-RU

Christian, Chester Caisel, Jr. Literary representation and sociological analysis, social class in Latin America

Thesis non-RU

Atkins, William Harry. The training of personnel workers for secondary schools

Microfilm copy of typescript; Dissertation RU

Mcjimsey, George Tilden. The life of Manton Marble

Thesis non-RU

Dixon, James Lynnewood. The courts and the private schools in the Middle Atlantic states

Microfilm copy of typescript; Dissertation RU

Shriver, George Hite, Jr. Philip Schaff's concept of organic historiography interpreted in relation to the realization of an "Evangelical Catholicism" within the Christian community

Thesis non-RU

Davis, James Ronnie. Pre-Keynesian economic policy proposals in the United States during the great depression

Thesis non-RU

Trexler, Richard Charles. Economic, political and religious effects of the Papal Interdict on Florence, 1376-1378: a study of the secular penal power of the Papacy in the late Middle Ages

Thesis non-RU

Loos, Erich. Charles Pinot Duclos, als Moralist des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts und seine Bedeutung fur den Stand der "Gens de lettres"

Thesis non-RU

Dutky, Samson Robert. Investigation of the diseases of the immature stages of the Japanese beetle

Thesis RU

Gaver, Mary Virginia. An investigation of state supervision of school libraries in six southern states

Microfilm copy of typescript; Thesis non-RU

Horn, Robert Anderson. National control of congressional elections

Thesis non-RU

Kincaid, Larry George. The legislative origins of the Military Reconstruction Act, 1865-1867

Thesis non-RU

Brockman, Henry Caruthers. Frank Hugh Foster: a chapter in the American Protestant quest for authority in theology

Thesis non-RU

Thompson, John Armin. The role of the principal in collective negotiations

Thesis non-RU

Orvieto, Enzo Umberto. Guido da Pisa e il commento inedito all'Inferno datesco: trascrizione ed analisi delle chose ai Canti primo e trentatreeismo (Italian commentary with Latin text)

Thesis non-RU

Olshausen, Ulrich. Das lautenbegleitete Sololied in England um 1600. Mit einem Register der unveroffentlichten Lider

Thesis non-RU

Axhausen, Kate. Die Theorien uber den Ursprung der provenzalischen Lyrik.

Thesis non-RU

McCumsey, Norman Lee. The effects of professional negotiations on secondary school principals' decision making functions.

Thesis non-RU

Gillette, Jean E. Elementary school library: suggested principles and practices, by Jean E. Gillette and Vera E. Gillette

Thesis non-RU

Chou, Lily Oan Shau. The Min Ch'uan - Ch'I drama: anatomy of a popular theater.

Thesis non-RU

Kao, Yu-kung. A study of the Fang La rebellion.

Thesis non-RU

Runge, James Richard. Social science generalizations for use in the social studies curriculum: producing, exchanging, distributing, and consuming food, clothing, shelter and other consumer goods and services.

Thesis non-RU

Sewell, Edward Granville, 1919-. The evaluation of attitudes and understanding of students in secondary school economics.

Thesis non-RU

Peck, Albert Daniel. Social science generalizations for use in the social studies curriculum: expressing and satisfying esthetic needs and impulses.

Thesis non-RU

Shafer, Susanne Mueller. Persistence of postwar American proposals for the study of contemporary affairs in the West German Volksschule.

Thesis non-RU

Dowell, Jack Dudley. The legislative process in the West German Bundestag: the codetermination law of May, 1951

Microfilm of typescript; Thesis non-RU

Wood, Leslie Alfred, 1930-. Programmed textual material as a partial substitute for teacher-led classroom procedures in geography.

Thesis non-RU

Faunce, Roland Cleo. An examination and analysis of core programs in certain Michigan secondary schools from 1937 to 1947.

Thesis non-RU

Andrews, Clay Samuel. Social science generalizations for use in the social studies curriculum: organizing and governing.

Thesis non-RU

Gandy, Willard Eugene. The status of geography in the public senior high schools in California.

Thesis non-RU

Schwartz, Bernard. An investigation of the effects of a seventh and eighth grade core program on pupil progress in senior high school.

Thesis non-RU

Sloan, Fred A Jr. Readability of social studies textbooks for grades four, five, and six, as measured by the Dale-Chall formula.

Thesis non-RU

Henne, Frances. Preconditional factors affecting the reading of young people

Dissertation non-RU

Nispel, Benjamin. The office of lieutenant governor in the United States

Microfilm copy; Dissertation non-RU

Siemers, Allan Arthur. World history in selected California high schools.

Thesis non-RU

Coan, Clark. A study of the attitudes of selected social studies teachers and parents of Kansas high school students regarding the inclusion of controversial issues as part of the secondary social studies program.

Thesis non-RU