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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Description
Marchand, Charles Roland. The ultimate reform: world peace in America thought during the progressive era.

Thesis Non-RU

Meisel, Jacqueline C. Architectural survey of representative domestic structures pre-dating 1810 in Gloucester Co., N.J., 1963.

Thesis Non-RU

Farley, Eugene joseph. Role of the counselor in selected junior high schools of new jersey as percieved by counselors. Principals, teachers and students.

Thesis RU (Ed.D.); Abstracted in Dissertation absracts

Connaway, Ronda Sue. A conceptual formulation and observational scheme for analysis of social work practice: a representation of the object, action, and operating principle in social work practice.

Thesis non-RU (D.S.W.); Abstracted in Dissertation absracts

Churchill, Charles Wesley. The Italians of Newark, a community study.

Thesis non-RU

Mack, Edna Ballard. The school library's contribution to the total educational program of the school: a content analysis of selected periodicals in the field of education

Dissertation non-RU

Robins, Martin E. The negro awakening in Plainsfield, N.J.

Senior thesis non-RU

Harris, James Maurice. The expressed reading interests of first-grade boys and girls, and the adequacy of current basic readers in meeting these interests

Dissertation non-RU

Cutts, Warren Gibson. A comparative study of good and poor readers at the middle grade level

Dissertation non-RU

Barr, William M. George L. Record

Thesis non-RU

Smith, Kermit Wayne. The politics of judicial reform in New Jersey

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Welt, Elizabeth. Friedrich Nietzsche's literary criticism and its European background

Thesis non-RU

Grabert, Edward Thomas. The vocabulary of salvation in the Qolasta and the Fourth Gospel

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Peterson, Ted Tangwall. Selecting school administrators; an evaluation of six tests

Dissertation non-RU

DeLaney, Moses Nathaniel. The interaction between Protestant churches and their social environment in the inner city

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Sturm, Edward. Mineralogy and petrology of the Newark group sediments of New Jersey

Thesis RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Laurenti, Luigi Mario. Effects of nonwhite purchase and occupancy on market prices of residences in San Francisco, Oakland, and Philadelphia

Dissertation non-RU

Anderson, Evelyn J.. An analytical study os some reviewing media of children's books

Thesis non-RU

Pasler, Rudolph J., II. The Federalist Party in Burlington County, New Jersey

Thesis non-RU

Decker, Marian Bellows. Study of the work-loads of full-time school librarians in the secondary schools of Illinois

Thesis non-RU

Mahar, Mary Helen. Activities and services of the school library as related to modern concepts of its educationsl function

Thesis non-RU

Welsh. Helen C.. Library facilities of secondary schools giving service to vocational pupils

Thesis non-RU

Moss, Mildred Barr. An evaluation of reading readiness tests

Thesis RU

Weinberg, William Martin. An administrative history of the New Jersey State Board of Mediation

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Holdcamper, Hope Frances (Kane). Colonial promotion and promotion literature of Carolina, 1660-1700. By Hope Frances Kane…

Thesis non-RU. Chapter 7 (leaves 123-175) concerns New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Peterson, Richard Kenyon. Hemingway: direct and oblique

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Mayer, Phyllis Arlene. Some characteristics of nonresident library users

Thesis non-RU

Holtzman, Reva Fine. Major teaching methods in field instruction in casework

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

McGuire, Rita Audrey. The group work field instructor in action: a study of field instruction using the critical incident technique

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Meisel, Jacqueline C. Architectural survey of representative domestic structures pre-dating 1810 in Gloucester Coounty, New Jersey

Thesis non-RU

Paicurich, Gene John. A history of the library overdue book penalty and a survey of its use today in the university library

Thesis non-RU

Colon, Baltasara. Fit of the Cobb-Douglas production function to the economy of Puerto Rico- An experimental study

Thesis RU

Haines, Leeman Everett. The effect of kindergarten experience upon academic achievement in the elementary school grades

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Widem, Barbara Davis. The state library extension agency and services to children

Thesis non-RU

Pitts, Forrest Ralph. Comparative land fertility and potential in the inland sea and peripheral areas of Japan

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Moore, Daniel Eldredge. The United Malays national organization and the 1959 Malayan elections: a study of a political party in action in a newly independent plural society

Thesis non-RU

Pritchard, Martha Caroline. Comparison of the activities of teachers and school librarians with relation to children's reading

Thesis non-RU

Anderson, Robert Lee. Negro suffrage in relations to American federalism, 1957-63

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Shalinsky, William Irwin. The effect of group composition on aspects of group fuctioning

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Stillings, Edwin J. Turnout and electoral trands, 1870-1950

Thesis non-RU

Wirth, John Davis. Brazilian economic nationalism: trade and steel under Vargas

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Lee, Helen M. Preparation of librarians in teacher-training agencies

Dissertation non-RU

Dean, Warren Kempton. São Paulo's industrial élite, 1890-1960

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Goldman, Ralph Morris. Party chairmen and party faction, 1789-1900; a theory of executive responsibility and conflict resolution

Thesis non-RU

Fossum, Robert H. The inviolable circle: the problem of time in Hawthorne's tales and sketches

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Stubbs, John Cladwell. The theory of the prose romance: a study in the background of Hawthorne's literary theory

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Reed, Henry Clay. Chapters in a history of crime and punishment on New Jersey

Microfilm copy of typewritten ms.; Dissertation non-RU

Clark, Margaret B. The Malayan alliance and its accommodation of communal pressures, 1952-1962.

Thesis non-RU

Connors, Richard John. The local political career of Mayor Frank Hague

Thesis non-RU

Roman de Helcanus. Le Roman de Helcanus; edition critique d'une ouvre francaise anonyme en prose du XIII siecle (par) Henri Zygmunt Niedzielski

Thesis non-RU