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Microforms content relating to the 20th or 21st centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 20th and 21st centuries, 1901 to the present. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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Displaying: 1077 record(s)
Author/Title Description
Daniel, Evelyn Hope. The organizational position of school media centers: an analysis of the role of the school library and the school librarian

Thesis, Non-RU

Krzys, Richard Andrew. Education for librarianship in Colombia

Thesis, Non-RU

Slamecka, Vladimir. The semi-centralized system of technical documentation and information of Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and East Germany

Thesis, Non-RU

Whalen, Mary Lucille. Theological literature used in Catholic and Protestant doctoral research in theology

Thesis, Non-RU

Crowe, Virginia Mary. Guidelines for curriculum revision based on selected role competencies perceived as valuable by graduates of the Library Science program at Edinboro State College

Thesis, Non-RU

Sloan, Elaine Carol Frank. The organization of collection development in large university research libraries

Thesis, Non-RU

MacVean, Donald Sidney. A study of curriculum laboratoris in Mid-western teacher-training institutions

Thesis, Non-RU

O'Brian, Philip Michael. Attitudes of academic librarians in the Pacific Coast states toward library technitians.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Pratt, Allan Daniel. A logorithmic measure of the size of United States libraries.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Vincent, Donald Edward perry. A study of administrative style in five university libraries and its reflection in staff…1974.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

McGinnis, Dorothy Agnes. Use of the public library in Newark, New Jersey, by high school graduates

Dissertation non-RU

Watson, Jerry J. A study of adults' reactions to contemporary junior novels reflecting adolescents' interest in reading about aspects of peer and non-peer relationships.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Byron, Lorene Sandra. A comparitive evaluation of two indexing languages.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.); MG/BF 4-26-76

Carroll, Hardy. Metric spaces applied to locating library collections

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.); MG/BF 4-23-76

Hanson, Eugene Russell. Cataloging and the American Library Association.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.); MG/BF 4-23-76

Jannerich, Elaine Zaremba. Microcounseling in library education.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.); MG/BF 4-26-76

Mendiville, Miguel. An experimental study of the effects of training small leaderless groups in Orientation behavior.

Thesis non-RU (Ph.D.)

Blazek, Ronald David. Teacher utilization of non-required library materials in mathematics and the effects of pupil use.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Donohuge, Joseph Chaminade. A method for the analysis of a subject literature.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Evans, Gayle Edward. The influence of book selection agents upon book collection usage in academic libraries.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Evans, Charles Whitney. The attitudes of adults toward the public library, and their relationship to library use.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Friedlander, Janet Mongan. Physician use of a medical library.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Magrill, Rose Mary. Occupational image and the choice of librarianship as a career.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Fox, Ann Martha Sandburg. The amendability of a cataloging process to stimulation by automatic techniques.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Hamdy, Mohamed Nabil. The title unit entry: an argument for the rejection of the author main entry in theory and practice.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Andrews, Thelma. Trends in college library buildings.

Thesis non-RU (M.A.)

Klempner, Irving Max. National documentation center abstracting and indexing services and the diffusion of results from government-sponsered research.

Thesis non-RU

Klempner, Irving Max. National documentation center abstracting and indexing services and the diffusion of results from government-sponsered research…1967.

abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Fasick, Adele Mongan. A comparitive linguistic analysis of books and television for children.

Thesis non-RU

Fasick, Adele Mongan. A comparitive linguistic analysis of books and television for children…1970.

abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Deligdisch, Yekutiel. The reading comprehension of adult new readers in relation to their ethnic backgrounds.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Armstrong, Charles Wesley. Role of information resources in national development: a descriptive study and analysis of library resources in West Africa.

Thesis non-RU

Armstrong, Charles Wesley. Role of information resources in national development: a descriptive study and analysis of library resources in West Africa…1971.

abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Field, Oliver Thoburn. Acquisition and control of books and periodicals in federal research libraries.

Thesis non-RU (D.L.S.)

Field, Oliver Thoburn. Acquisition and control of books and periodicals in federal research libraries…1971.

abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Schulte-Albert, Hans Georg. Leibniz's plans for a world encyclopedia system.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Pope, Shirley Elspeth. The immediacy of cataloging information for newly aquired books.

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Hannigan, Jane Anne Thérèse. Reading, viewing, and listening characteristics of academically talented students

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Halset. Richard Sweeney. A bibliometric analysis of the serious music literature on long playing records

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Montgomery, Kenneth Leon. Factors affecting search time in a document retrieval system

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Sherrill, Laurence Lester. The affective responses of ethnic minority readers to indigenous ghetto literature: a measurement

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Palmer, Richard Phillips. User requirements of a university library card catalog

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Raney, Leon. An investigation into adaptability of a domestic approval program to the existing pattern of book selection in a medium sized academic library

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Ribbens, Dennis Neil. The reading interests of Thoreau, Hawthorne, and Lanier

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Sinclair, Dorothy Melville. Growth patterns in multi-library systems for public service

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Boaz, Martha Terosse. A qualitative analysis of the criticism of best sellers; a study of the reviews and reviewers of best selling books from 1944 to 1953

Thesis non-RU; abstracted in dissertation abstracts

Richards, Helen L. A study of the summer reading club members of three branches of the Cleveland Public Library.

Thesis Non-RU (M.S.L.S.)

Schein, Beatrice (Weiss). Leisure-time activities and interests of Newark Youth and their implications for the Newark Public Library

Dissertation non-RU

Shultz, John Howard. Obscurantism in Milton and the humanistic tradition.

Thesis non-RU

Cyphert, Frederick Ralph. Current practice in the use of the library in selected junior high schools in Pennsylvania.

Thesis non-RU