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Microforms content relating to the 17th or 18th centuries

This page displays records for microforms that include materials from and about the 17th and 18th centuries, 1601 to 1800. To limit the list, use the basic search options below. Click on the Search tab above for additional options.

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  • Using the search filters below will only search records related to the 17th and 18th centuries.

Displaying: 108 record(s)
Author/Title Description
Vincent de Beauvais, d. 1264. Speculum naturale Vincentii

Not available.

Berni, Francesco, 1497 or 8-1535. Orlando innamorato, nuouamente composto da M.F. Berni. Composto gia dal S. Matteo Maria Boiardo, conte di Scandiano, & rifatto tutto di nuouo da M.F. Berni.

Not available.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The workes of Geffrey Chaucer newly printed with dyuers workes whiche were never in print before…[Edited by William Thynne. The preface by Sir Brian Tuke. London, Thomas Godfray, 1532]

Not available.

Pasquill, of England. A counter cuffe giuen to Martin Iunior by the venturous hardie a. renowned Pasquil of England. [Sometimes attributed to T. Nash.] Printed between the skye and the grounde…from the vnpriuileged Presse of the Ass-ignes of Martin Junior, 1589.

Not available.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. Here begynneth the boke of Troylus and Creseyde, newly printed by a trewe copye…Here begynneth the boke of Fame, made by Geffray Chaucer: with dyvers others of his workes. The assemble of foules. This boke called la bele Dame sauns mercy was translate out of French, by G. Chaucer. Moral prouerbes. The complaynt of Mary Magdaleyne. The letter of Dydo to Eneas. A Lytell exortacion how folke shulde behave them selfe in all companyes.

Not available.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The works of Geoffrey Chaucer, comared with the former additions, and many valuable mss. Out of which, three tales are added which were never before printed; by John Urry, student of Christ-Church, Oxen. deceased: together with a glossary by a student of the same college. To the whole is prefixed the author's life, newly written, and a preface, giving an account of this edition.

Not available.

Arrianus, Flavius. Arriani. Tactica & Mauriccii Arie militari Liber dvodecim omnia, nunquam ante publicata Graecae primus edit, versione Latine notisque illustrat. Johannes Schefferus. Upsaliae, Excudit Henricus Curio & Academia Upsaliensis Bibliopola, 1664.

Not available.

Hall, Joseph, Bp. Of Norwich, 1574-1656. Le ciel sur la terre ov Discours de la vraye tranquillité de l'esprit, tiré de l'Anglois de M. Joseph Hall. Docteur en theologie, evesque d'exceter, ect., par Theodore Jaqvemot G. Geneve, chez Pierre Aubert. Imprimenur ordinaire de la Republique et Academie, 1629.

Not available.